Heading out on the road this afternoon so no stories today about pot smoking birds or drunk cats. I leave you with the graphic image of viol...
All in the Family
Meatheads. From Aol.com : Two siblings' alibi for allegedly trying to steal a TV was incest. Police Robert and Amanda Larrivee, were cau...
Optimus Klein and Those Kansas State Wildcats
Simply the best college football player in the nation. EMAW I lived in Manhattan, Kansas for about 10 years. Not much out there. Except one...
Through the Front Door
I wonder if these Muslims were asked to exit the back door of the White House by the garbage pile? I bet the Dalai Lama knows the answer.
Let's get this party started
My kids can't get this song out of their heads. I expect a note from their principal soon.
Isn't it Ironic?
I guess the irony of the following statement is lost on mental midget Van Jones: “President Obama is a towering figure on foreign policy,” ...
Super Whacky Muslim Fun Time - The Turks Take on Charles Darwin
Muslims...God's cruel joke on humanity. Turkish schoolchildren in Istanbul received a series of books denouncing scientific figures , in...