And will undoubtedly catch shit from her boss. LAHORE, Pakistan (Oct. 29) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday th...
And the Nation Lived Happily Ever After
Cop #1: Ok, buddy. We caught ya red handed. Cop #2: Book 'em, Danno, for violating the Constitution, theft of private property, excessiv...
They Did the Monstermash
I know it's scary. But have a Happy Halloween! Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Obama's Army Wants to Indoctrinate Children on Halloween
These people have no shame. No sense of decency. And will stop at nothing. Instead of giving children candy on Halloween, Obama's int...
Julius Caesar on Obama
He's not dead, he just smells funny (Oh, wait, that's what my kids say about me). The Big Guy, Julius Caesar, weighs in on our presi...
A Proper Big Feed Welcome for Our Newest Blogger
If y'all been paying attention, you would have noticed a new blogger this week. His name is Neshobanakni. He's got mad skills. An...
Ladies and Gentlemans...sometimes.. the peoples...
...last year....probably didn't make it this year... What? Oh hell. The guy was a guitar player, not a God damned B. Hussein Obama spee...
My Dad the Drug Runner
About a week ago, my old man bought a Pontiac at a police auction. A good looking car, other than the radio being gone (same as all cars at...
BOOM, You Got Knocked The F**K Out!
Should have known better than to play dueling videos with HHDT on Friday night! Good game all. Let's make this a habit.
But Wait ...
...there's more. The night is young.
Okay...I'm Taking This One Home
It's Friday. Get your asses in gear. What? You still ain't moving?
I Like Blues And Rock As Much As The Next Guy
But I got my own groove. Keeping a band that size and age tight is mad skills.
It's Friday. My Groove Levels Have Risen 73%
So I go with it, ya know? The late great Rory Gallagher.
Chavez Using Pot Head to Get to Empty Head
What a world. Hugo Chavez passing messages to Obama via Spicoli. President Hugo Chavez said he met privately with actor Sean Penn on Wedne...
For Blues Lovers
This is Mato Nanji with his old band (his family). I think they're northern plains, maybe Nakota. Reminds me of Stevie Ray.
Joe Biden Sing What?
Drink some more Joe. A drunk Joe Biden singing about "villages"? I guess he's auditioning for village idiot.
Sting Reveals Man Crush on Obama
Dude ain't never been right. Sting isn't a religious man , but he says President Barack Obama might be a divine answer to the world...
I Just Got Punked
on a business deal by some Joe Peschi sounding mofo. I feel like scaring someone on Halloween. I pity the fool that rings my bell. ROLLING S...
A Modest Proposal
* California farms face cutoff of federal water * One of the largest fleets ever – idle from global recession * Melting glaciers causi...
The Terminator Strikes Back
Check this out. This is no joke. It's been confirmed as a real letter from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to members of Ca...
Gym Members Claim American Flag is Offensive
Watch this video. God bless the Dane about to become an American citizen. And might I invite you to move to the South. It's the only ...
Russian Scientist Predicts Global Cooling
Considering that where I live it's been 10 to 20 degrees below normal every day this month, I'm going with the Russians. In a sharp...
Southern Culture # 4
Webb Wilder. Last of the full-grown men.
Southern Culture ... On the Skids
Where's my Captain's Wafers?
Halloween is Coming....
Have fun. Just don't scare the brothers. Not worth it.
When Hoochie Mamas Attack
I managed to obtain a rare sighting of the big breasted pink hoochie mama in its natural environment. During my time on the safari, I was a...
How Climate Change Legislation Works
From Israpundit:
Southern Culture # 2
This can be like a running series or something. Or, it can just fall by the wayside like every other running series around here. Anyone see...
Heads Up
Oh snap!
Missing Link Found!
Exclusive! Straight from Olduvai Gorge - evidence of the long sought link from Rock & Roll to Punk Rock. Made Mary Leakey very freaky!...
Mystery in the Desert
Residents of Deming, New Mexico report mysterious explosions . What does this have to do with Alamogordo nuclear test site? What does this...
Will the NFL Ban Larry Johnson?
We're waiting for answer. He did, after all, make controversial statements that might have offended someone. And we saw what they did ...
So how thems pledges coming along, celebs?
Time to check in with these friggin' retards. It's been almost a year, how's it going? You help free 5 million slaves yet Demi...
Another Chapter in the Global Warming Hoax
Here’s an interesting article detailing how a small number of “true believers” have been in control of Gorebal Worming research. Whenever ...
Southern Culture
Look down your nose at us if you want; we don't care. Be careful what you say, though. Posted by Neshobanakni
Rock & Roll: The Show Must Go On
Roadies have the best stories. Posted by Neshobanakni
List of Torture Music Revealed
This beats the hell out of the Billboard Top 40. Torturing detainees with waterboarding is one thing. But now a coalition of musicians is de...
Obama's Actions (or Lack thereof) Speak Louder than Words
This right here is just bogeyman blowhardness personified. Yesterday, Obama lashed out at global warming "deniers": US President...
Carmelita...Hold Me Tighter
I'm just in a musical frame of mind today. Two versions of a fantastic song written by Warren Zevon. This one is by Dwight Yoakam. And ...
The Only Reason I Hate Owning A BMW
Always somebody wiping their ass on your hood.
Pinata Chic: Michelle Obama's New Fashion Style Revealed
The First Lady models some new duds. The Pinata Chic line replaces the Pin the Tail on the Donkey line that is just so last month. Inspira...
Mick Jagger: King of the World.
Capt. I believe you bring up an important issue regarding Mick Jagger and how wasted he was in 1978. The late 70's early 80's are go...
The Pigeons
I can't add to this. I just can't. And Ali got me to thinking. It's Friday. How high is Mick Jagger in this video? I'll ...
Teleprompter Screws Barry Again
President Obama today at MIT. His teleprompter took the day off. What was left was a talking suit with no core principles. This is what h...
Before Libs Took Over the News Media, Schools and Popular Culture...
They were treated like the mentally challenged empty headed children they are. Good stuff. Love Harry's riff at the end.
Remember When the Libs Started to Fall for Peggy Noonan?
I'm thinking she's outside the circle of trust again. Back during the election, and subsequent Obama honeymoon period, Peggy was wri...
Friday: I Love You
Rock till you drop. And never stop. Two versions of All Down the Line. These boys just get better with age. Like cheese. Nothing makes weeni...
Swine Flu Shot Cripples Cheerleader
I saw this story a few days ago. The FDA's website lists the Swine Flu H1n1 vaccines ingredients which include mercury and formaldehyde...
Behind Closed Doors
From the Mouths of Babes
Today my son told me he wanted to dress up for Halloween as Barack Obama. Disgusted, I ask him why in the world he wanted to do that? He r...
Minnesota Man Finds a Way to Defeat Gravity
To wrap up gravity week, we bring you this story of a Minnesota man who may have just saved the world. You can't fall down if you never...
Obama Picks Polar Bears Over Jobs, Energy Independence and National Security
Don't tell me this man isn't trying to destroy America. The Obama administration said Thursday it is designating more than 200,000 s...
Eco-Nutjobs Declare War on Paper Bags and Pets
You were warned. You knew that once they defeated plastic, they were coming for paper. In a city that has already banned plastic shopping s...
Ann Spanks Prissy Poser Olbermann
Great smack-down by Ann Coulter of Keith Olbermann Here regarding his general overall incompetence. A choice snippet: I don't blame Kei...
From the We Are ALL Americans Files....
Dude is unitin' like a mofo! Remember all that "There are no blue states, there are no red states, we are the UNITED STATES!" ...
Obama's Safe School Czar Funds Anti-Christian Harvard "Art Show"
The hits just keep coming. These people don't like America. They simply don't. But hey. Your kids will be safe. From Mass Resist...
Michelle Obama Bogarts Grade School Field Day
I stumbled upon these images. Best I can tell, Michelle Obama pushed a bunch of third grade girls out of the way so she could dominate fi...
American Bad Ass
Sometimes you forget. Punks today don't even know. Respect. Washington's image gets distorted in grade school with the watered-do...
Gravity Continues its Rampage
You can't stop it. You can only hope to contain it.
More from the "Do You Believe this Sh*t?" Files
It just keeps getting more and more absurd. The White House, yes, the White House, emails MSNBC during a live broadcast to get MSNBC to pus...
Joe Biden Tells Polish Soldiers "They're the Best"
Way to go Joe. Just slap the American soldier right in the face. Smart power!?!? Vice President Biden pulled out one of his favorite phras...
They All Look Alike: MSNBC Mistakes Jesse Jackson for Al Sharpton
Can you imagine the white guilt floating around MSNBC today? That 40 acres and mule deal is off! Those white people gonna have to feel twi...
Another Obama Czar Sings Mao's Praises
Just how many commies are in the White House? This time its Ron Bloom. America's "manufacturing czar". Unreal. Just really...
Green Friendly Lawn Mower
To hell with hybrids. You're not really green until you have goats in your front yard. Dogs are man's best friend, but goats, it se...
Community Organizer College
Paul Shanklin's "Community Organizer College" parody commercial.
Gravity Strikes Again
This time, in Russia.
Don't Go Breaking My Balls
The White House's Shocking Admission - "We Control the News"
Show this to any of your liberal friends who still think the media isn't biased and in the tank for Obama. This from Obama's Mao lo...
From the Land of Hope and Change - Rush Limbaugh as a Klansman - And Stuff Alec Baldwin Says
This cartoon from the Chicago Sun-Times. It depicts Rush Limbaugh as a Klansman. I'm still waiting for a cartoon lampooning this curren...
Sharpton Threatens to Sue Limbaugh
Sharpton doesn't like having his race-baiting being pointed out. Hims gonna get his lawsuit on. The Rev. Al Sharpton is ready for a Rus...
Good Call Holding the Olympics in Rio
A drug gang shoots down a police helicopter in Rio De Janeiro. The messed up thing is, compared to Chicago, I can't even say they should...
Illegal Aliens Outraged Over Halloween Costume
And Target caves. Piss on these people. A Southern California immigrant rights group has asked Target stores to stop selling an "illeg...