At the Judas Priest concert. The way we were. And then came Tipper...
Al Qaeda: "Thanks Obama...You are the Awesome!"
Being that as I know that Islam is not compatible with what we understand as "freeedom", I can see where the Middle East is headin...
Van Jones Update
Remember Van Jones? The man Obama APPOINTED to be our Green Czar? The Big Feed was one of the first sites to post on Mr. Jones past where ...
I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke
But that would cost a lot of money. Not to mention, I have no way of accounting for Pepsi drinkers. But I can give the world this. I love...
Obama on Libya: "It's a Turd Sandwich"
Or was he describing himself? Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Speaking of turd s...
They've Come to Save the Sea Kittens
We don't need your help. By the way, y'all are ugly. And you wave in a very peculiar fashion.
Obama's Fantasy Rebels
Let's face it. Obama has no idea concerning the people that comprise the Libyan resistance. But that doesn't stop him from dreaming ...
Pole Dancers for Jesus
This site began as a site about hot dogs, pole dancers, and Islamic rat people. So let's go back to our roots.
Fact Checking Obama
From the AP of all places. OBAMA: "Our most effective alliance, NATO, has taken command of the enforcement of the arms embargo and no-...
If Democrats are So Great...
then why are so many people leaving Detroit? If liberal policies indeed lead us into a Utopian future, how come black people are leaving De...
Something I Don't Normally Do
I've never been one for posting much cheesecake. But damnit! This deserves to be shared.
Youtube Censoring to Protect Obama Administration's Incompetence
I've been saying this for some time now. So many videos critical of the Obama administration have just disappeared from Youtube. Now t... the White House
I found this over at Doug Ross' site...
Black Panthers: Michelle Obama Should "Leave the Ni**er Tonight"
There's a small amount of truth to this crazy man's sentiment. I've lived more of the black experience than Barack Obama.
PETA Wants Animal Friendly Language in the Bible
I can't hate them too much. They were the inspiration for the Legion of Right-Wing Sea Kittens. After they heard that the latest transl...
Burger Brawler Facing Felony Charges
She said..."We tore the Burger King up...I don't play no games" (see the video and story below). Neither does the law: The ...
Biden's Goons Lock Reporter in Closet
Most transparent administration ever! This is beyond bizarre. Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an ORLANDO SENTINEL reporter ...
Sunday Morning Stones
Send it to me.
Where's Your God Now?
Happy Friday Sea Kittens!
I give you the late great Rory Gallagher again. Clips like this blow my mind. They don't make em like this anymore. Or if they are, you...
America #13
We're not perfect.
The Truth
Just When You Thought it Couldn't Get Better
An update on the Burger King brawler (See video below). “We tore the Burger King up,” she remarked. “I don’t play no games.” Describing hers...
Political Compass Test
Take the test Here Check me out! Right near Thatcher! God I'm great!!! Waaaa la-la-la-la-la-la-la!!! Your political compass Economic ...
A "Teachable Moment"
Funny. Ever since Obama's beer summit, despite the many opportunities, he hasn't found the need for any more "teachable momen...
The Few, The Proud, and the Mexicans Dressed as U.S. Marines
We have a very serious problem on our hands. Border Patrol agents recently arrested 13 illegal immigrants disguised as U.S. Marines and ri...
Wow! This is a BIG DEAL!!!
Commander Feckless is teetering on the ropes folks. Obama has no clue what he's doing. NONE! If I didn't know better, I'd say...
Revealed: The SEIU's Plot to Destroy America
The Left's Economic Terrorism Playbook: Coalition too Destroy US Capitalism and Redistribute Wealth
The Brits were pretty quick with Libya no?
I'm sitting there the other night watching Obama trying to play catch up with the Brits and Frogs over this whole Libya thing when it hi...
Two Pictures from the Same Day
March 21, 2011. Libya. An American aircraft, sent into battle by President Obama, crashes. Both crewmembers were forced to eject. South ...
The World Loves Obama
Wasn't this the guy that was going to slow the ocean's rise? The one we've been waiting for? Man...What an ego! Protesters in Ch...
Top 60 Ghetto Names
Crisis?...What Crisis?
Double digit unemployment, nuclear meltdowns in Japan, and the United States joins another war. And this assclown is dancing in Rio.
The Appalachian Trail in 4 Minutes
The trip normally takes one to two months. Green Tunnel from Kevin Gallagher on Vimeo .
Pooty Poot on Libya
Russia's prime minister is strongly criticizing the U.N. resolution allowing international use of force in Libya, saying it reminds him ...
America #12
36 years ago these would have just been hitting store shelves. I distinctly remember the moment I opened a pack of these and there was a St...
The Witch of Wall Street
I remember reading about this lady when I was a kid. This morning, I saw a write-up about her at Neatorama. So now seems like a good time ...
One Language for America
Farrakhan to Obama: "Who the Hell Do You Think You Are"?
Muslim on Muslim violence does not please Farrakhan. Meanwhile...Gadhafi refers to Obama as "our dear son" . Birthers?
New Drive-By Truckers
The new Dive-By Truckers album, "Go GoBoots", is out. In my opinion, despite what I thought was a sub-par release with their last...
Ella Mae Morse - House of Blue Lights
From 1945.
Obama Has a Democrat Challenger in 2012
An upstart out of Mississippi. It's going to be back to the flour mill Bammy.
The Bully Body Slam
You've probably seen this one already. A couple of things: 1) The saying "pick on someone your own size" has never been more ...
Fun with Old Mugshots
No particular reason...
Barack H. Obama Elementary School Closing
Irony is ruthless. Just ruthless. ASBURY PARK — The century-old Bangs Avenue School … renamed for President Barack Obama just a year ago...
Thailand's Got Talent
I know Ali will appreciate this. From IOTW:
Tales of Civil Discourse
Obama's Irish Kin Not Claiming Relation
I'm so glad I'm German. A new study claims that President Obama has 28 living relatives who share his Irish ancestry, but some of ...
Duke Only Recruits "Uncle Toms"
So says Jalen Rose. You remember him right? One of the chuckleheads at Michigan who helped introduce the baggy shorts to college basketbal...
They Used to Call this Sedition
Now it's called progressivism. A group of several nitwits thinks they want to start a socialist state in Arizona, on the border with Me...
About those Earthquakes
Burger King Boss Says British Food Sucks...And the Women are Butt Ugly
He's just saying what we're all thinking. The global boss of the fast food empire Burger King has had to apologise after he told a ...
British Snipers Wrecking Hell on the Taliban
I can't even do this in a video game. The arrival at the newly-established Patrol Base Shamal Storrai (Pashto for “North Star”) in late ...
Lesbian Haircuts
The DSE 908 - The Newest Ecig on the Market
For those who smoke electronic cicarettes, I bring you some good news. The makers of the ultra-reliable DSE 901 have a new model . It look...
Friday Cover
There are few bands, none really, that can attempt a Rush cover without making me curl up in a ball and bleed from my ears and eyes. Dream ...
I Need A Beer
Examine the following photograph. The story behind this photograph fortunately, is not about the douchetastic fishface on the right, but abo...
Maintain The Theme
The first thing I think of before I go to court is to put my bra on. That is of course, after I flat iron my hair. The second thing I thin...
Trade Californians for the Japanese
In light of the tragic earthquake, I think we should sell California to the Japanese. I'm pretty sure they'd buy it. So long as we...
Everyone remembers the cult movie "Faces of Death" right? Well, I am proud to introduce "Faces of Meth." Equally as di...
I am not a fan of Ron Paul, nor his son. I think they are a little too far out on the narrow limb of some fringe politics that I don't ...
When You're Right, You're Wrong
I watched some of the muslim terrorism hearings yesterday and what really came across to me was the fact that the Republicans were asking co...
Don't Let the Door Hit You in the Ass on the Way Out
“Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. As one official put it, ‘No one is scrutinizing Hu...
I've warned you
Yes YOU! All you who think there is something so special about your talent that you must post a video of it on youtube and destroy another ...
Sec. of State Cankles: Let's see what others think!
Empty suited secretary of State under massive turd president Obama thinks it might be a little too bold for the U.S., the most powerful coun...
Peace, Pieces and a Piece of Crap
So much for public harmony : So we have also built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know...