I have said it before and I reiterate. . .Obama is a liar. The proof is now in the pudding (as if we haven't known this all along) and w...

I have said it before and I reiterate. . .Obama is a liar. The proof is now in the pudding (as if we haven't known this all along) and w...
Zeppelin is good. Chicks playing Zeppelin pretty good is real good too. A little sluggish every now and then, but the singer hammering tha...
You know who we are. This is not so much sensual as it is sheer athleticism. See for yourself. . . .
Click like if you like.
To me it doesn't matter where he was born. He's a foreigner. He views America as a foreigner. He has no idea of what it means to ...
PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) supporter hit his own friend with a Molotov cocktail. Friend ain't happy.
This is not a current event and has nothing to do with anything. And I don't know why, but every time I see this picture it just cracks...
I'm not sure whether it's appropriate to laugh at this, but y'all know me, when have I ever been appropriate? Bwaaahahahahahaha...
I don't know who this is and frankly don't care. I'll even say that I don't enjoy the singing very much. But, she has nice...
What in the world is going on in Canada? From MyFox NY: VANCOUVER -- A Canadian comic has been ordered to pay CA$15,000 (US$15,745) to a wom...
To hell with the beer summit, Obama needs to start holding malt liquor summits. Animals! Here is another fine example of the trend of violen...
No, not that old 70's song about being wrapped up in a douche or something. Try 2011 and think of the Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice el...
I don't know that anyone can verify the validity of this account of what happened to the vile cretins of the Westboro Church of Satan w...
Dear God. Angie is the mental patient national anthem apparently.
Mental patient breaks out of his room, sneaks into administrator's office, and while the alarm still beeps he grabs a guitar and lays do...
...Machine Gun Granny. This is the Granny I want. This is the Granny we all deserve. She could send me $5 for my birthtday anytime. In the T...
Just watch your back. He aint always hoppin' down that bunny trail all cute and stuff. Sorry ol' Ali hasn't been around much lat...
Yes I know ain't ain't a word, but neither is gundlerbjorg , but I use that one reguarly too. Seems that things have changed a bit i...
It is fairly common knowledge that the Japanese have some very odd cultural endeavours (octopus porn, for example) and have a strange preocc...
And it will set you free. . .in Leavenworth prison. . .for about 25 years. Jerome Corsi has written a new book about Barack Obama and his bi...
Needs a caption. . .
Send your big government pussy right over! Normally, I'd say this is a bunch of bullshit , but in this case I completely agree with the ...
Nothing like excellent street musicians for a little entertainment. I was in San Francisco ten years ago and watched in amazement as two gu...
Kinda lonely 'round this joint. This weekend I was perusing the internet and for some reason the old George Carlin line about meatcake s...
Mr. Muddy Waters, from Issaquena County, Mississippi, and Sonny Boy Williamson, from Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, playing Got My Mojo W...
Nothing says Deep South culture like fried bologna for breakfast served on a paper plate with the good silver. We save the good meats for wh...
Mother nature is a mother. This one was within a few miles of my office. Some damage has been reported, no injuries or deaths so far. So, ...
I am posting the following because of the five minutes I suffered through photoshopping the Behar/Goldberg photo in the previous post. This ...
You know, if I had a television show in which I was going to sit on a panel and discuss current events, I would do all that I could do to ed...
Say it ain't so Jesse, say it ain't so . I guess this might explain why Jesse calls his group the RAINBOW PUSH Coalition. Cue the ...
It seems the teleprompter done lost its charisma. Here's crazy uncle Joe, asleep at the wheel.
O.M.F.G.! Did you hear the news? (link fixed) Sorry, I must have missed all of that due to the fact that we are in three wars, Japan has n...
Any reporter of competence knows the 5 W's of reporting. Let us begin: Who: California Teachers Union What: Endorses cop killer Where: ...
I once saw the exclamation "!Aye caramba¡" defined in a dictionary as "fiddlesticks." But the following story deserves ...
View it here The ad claims Obama is using a false social security number, issued from Connecticut, and once belonging to a man born in 1890....
Sometimes, I'm embarassed to be an American.
Y'all know my love of all things Mark Fidrych. His on the mound antics captivated me a child. His story is simply amazing. Take the time...
(click photo to enlarge)
The new entrance exam. . .
Captain, the easy answer is Taco Bell, but unfortunately, and as this dude might have attested before his demise, the largest Mexican export...
Aside from jumping beans and Fernando Valenzuela, I'm having a hard time coming up with good Mexican contributions to American culture. ...
Obama. A man of the streets. A man of the people. Don't believe me? Here's his comments from Al Sharpton's swanky gala. Pr...
Impossible to plink accurately at 230 yards with a Desert Eagle .44 magnum? Think again Buckshot, you're world just got a whole lot sma...
I was reading earlier that the election for Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin has come down to a couple hundred votes. No big surprise if ...
Or alternative title: She don't give a shit! This woman deserves a medal for having balls that are inversely proportional to the size ...
Asian head band man don't give a shit.
Obama on gas prices: Obama needled one questioner who asked about gas prices, now averaging close to $3.70 a gallon nationwide, and suggest...
These "mass protests" aren't going to have any effect. None. Nada. These are ruthless killers you're dealing with, and b...
Oh, the irony...and oww...the sodomy. You sick, militant, bastard! Malcolm X, who ranted against the White men most of his life , apparentl...
I consider the Cold War years our finest hours. Here's some posters from the time.
People, it's time to just do this. You feel me? The threatening package containing a bloody pig's foot sent to Rep. Pete King (R-L...
I wish you the best in this life and the next.
This was an April Fool's joke on a co-anchor of a news show in San Diego. Gold!
I have no sound on my PC. Someone told me this was good. Let me know. Until then, it goes below the fold.
As fate would have it, one of my grandmothers actually did pass away the night before my final exams begun. The basic problem can be stated ...
So Obama's doing something that actually helps Al Qaeda. Intentional? It's a shame we even have to ask. Counterterrorism operation...
In case you don't know what the thing is on the left, read this . If you're not sure about its twin on the right, then observe this...
The rumor is that Snooki is pregnant. Personally, I could care less. I'm only repeating the rumor because, of all things, more people ...
This is just too much.
This is not an animated picture. It's called static illusion, and you may or may not be drunk. I found that if you focus on the black d...
Just say "No"!
Obama announced his decision to run for President in 2012. "Guard the change" is to be the new slogan. Heh. Americans have been ...
Wow! Just flippin' wow! From Politico : She was in London Tuesday to meet with diplomats from 30 countries, most of whom showed up to ...
When you get a chance, go over and check out Diogenes' Middle Finger (aka Suckers on parade). I've always loved the site, and now ...
And I mean it with all of my blood thirsty meat eating heart. PETA, also known as a certifiable insane asylum, er, non-profit (bullshit!) or...
There is no retort to Rush's position. Only name-calling and death threats. CALLER: Okay, one thing, okay, what gives the Republicans ...
It's opening day for a lot of folks. If you're heading out to the ballpark today, have fun, drink beer, and salute America. Here...
There's still time to mess with the kids. Show them this video tonight. And them tell them there's a massive drought going on in It...
It's a little early for this, no?
The left and their union thugs are completely unhinged. Things are going to get ugly in the near future. Madison - A 26-year-old woman was ...