I started this blog, and I haven't checked in on it in a month. Fact is, as I write this post, I still haven't read it. I did get ...

I started this blog, and I haven't checked in on it in a month. Fact is, as I write this post, I still haven't read it. I did get ...
God bless your soul. You gave me more joy than you will ever know.
.....and I say unto thee. . . .
. . .but after reading the following article, you might wish to be. People have been eating strange things for thousands of years: sheep tes...
I am by no means the most prolific poster on this sight. But what the...? I'm a little afraid to be in this place alone actually. Hug m...
OK so you are eating and playing with rats and pushing a super fine shopping cart down the sunny streets of Recover Summer II. Not what you...
Remember all those trips to Costco or BJ's back in the day? Your cart bursting with all of life's little necessities. And sometimes ...
Just a few months ago. I'm surprised we don't see a lot of clips of this performance of his with regard to his current situation. At...
Soon the kids will be off from school and bothering you all the time about getting a Playstation or Xbox or a bike or some other such playth...
A good Thursday afternoon chuckle from Landshark 5150. Sully The Urban Hillbilly has a creative art project for sale and it'll make you...
Seems like this headline say it all: From The Daily Mail : Obama and a White House invite for dictator who has stolen billions from his impo...
With recovery summer II staring us straight in the mug, I was wondering about ways I could make it even more enjoyable and helpful to others...
And just when you think politicians cannot possibly become any less useful. . . da-da-da-dum! In walks Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democratic (...
I am happy to see that these youths in Chicago are following in the long-worn tradition of "community organizing and outreach." K...
I heard Howard Dean's infamous "yeeeaarrggh" speech on television this week and I had forgotten how ridiculous it was. So her...
As they say. . .
Yesterday was the 67th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy . I meant to post something in reverence of this incredible celebration of ...
#2 has stepped forward . Thankfully, she is of legal age. How does that noose feel Mr. Weiner? Getting a little tighter, isn't it? And...
Well, here is the first one . Poor gal, but she'll probably get a book deal or something out of it. Anything would be better than a ca...
We've already stepped in a big pile of it in Libya, so why not play the ace in the hole and go all out? At least in Syria, there is cle...
It appears that the weenie roast is alomst over and thank God for that. I was almost beginning to feel sorry for the s.o.b., but he is onl...
Little Debbie Wasserman-Shultz is at it again. Via WZ: “It’s his twitter account. It’s his deal. It’s personal. It’s not something that’s ap...
I can't believe that I flew nearly all the way across our wonderful country. . . . . .to take a helicopter to the bottom of the Grand Ca...
A special Separated At Birth, Triplets Version Flash fry Osama Bin Laden's successor with a Hellfire missile and what do you have left...
Normally, I wouldn't post a vulgarity-laced post on this website, as I am a guest blogger. I usually reserved such things for my old blo...
Not that she actually went away. We couldn't be so lucky. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (D-ee Snider) is oh, how can I say this in a politica...
Here are some youths working up some Oompa Loompa magic. Some of the comments at YouTube are fascinating to read: its crank dat yank can u r...
I don't even think today's kids would understand a cartoon like this. Not that it's too complicated, but on the contrary, it ma...
No context to this, other than it made me laugh.
Yeah so the World Health Organization, aka the sinister sounding WHO, has decided to tell us that using cell phones COULD give us all cancer...
The ACLU is an enigma. Thoroughly infested with left-wing activists and attorneys, but an enigma nonetheless. Generally speaking they atta...
Captain, I think these are the "youths" you are looking for. At least one news organization in South Carolina has some balls to i...
We're gonna need a bigger boat. Seems Iowa republican honchos are a little bored with the current crop running. Duh. I'd say! So a ...