The 4th of July is coming up, and we are the web's best source for news about hot dogs, pole dancers and Islamic rat people.

The 4th of July is coming up, and we are the web's best source for news about hot dogs, pole dancers and Islamic rat people.
I've written before about how I believe our current president continually assaults the decorum and appropriateness of his office on a re...
Not only does Colombia have great cocaine, the women ain't bad either. Ms. Melissa Giraldo Ella tiene ojos que pueden matarte.
h/t Confessions of a Closet Republican
After the Japanese bombed the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the United States became consumed with paranoia. For a...
I'll eventually have my say about the court decision from yesterday, but until then I continue to read the opinions of others which help...
Kraft created a gay cookie in support of gay pride week, with a rainbow filling. The Chinese are amused.
Here's his classic post Anthony Weiner press conference hijacking on the great Red Eye show on Fox News. A show you all must start DRV...
Meet Blazing Cat Fur . We're best pals, because they added a link to this blog on their site. That's pretty much all it takes.
I keep seeing people use this clip to attack Romney. But no one ever plays the part that starts around 4:19.
For years, the oppressed ran to America for freedom, both economic and personal. Where do Americans run to? Where does anyone run to anymo...
I fly the American flag proudly outside of my house. In the morning when I unfurl it, it will be displayed upside down because this country...
I mean I do, but I don't. What the hell did she expect? British journalist Natasha Smith writes about her experience during the Egypti...
I thought I noticed large scars across Obama's cranium. Internet blog sites, conspiracy theorists and forums are awash with rumours as t...
B-I-N-G-O! Masterful brilliance.
Someone a long time ago stated, "Necessity is the mother of invention." I don't think this is what they had in mind. But if th...
It's Obama's world. We're only living in it. Although the Justice Department has extended the deadline for America’s hotels to...
The Supreme Court is to decide the fate of Obamacare today. Forgive me if I have no faith in them.
You can put this on the record: Are you an idiot? Are you and idiot? Yes, yes you are.
It's 5:30 in the morning and 78 degrees outside. I am about to stand outside in the blistering heat for most of the day while I and my b...
A Canadian youth hockey coach trips an opposing player during the post-game handshake. What a french turd! Now, the coach connected with th...
Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house, or did she? Well, she probably can now. Ol' Pooty Poot, up to his same old KGB tri...
Just in case you were curious, Lord knows I wasn't. Post-script: Aren't we already being invaded and Obama isn't doing a damn t...
They were found aboard a cargo ship. Classified as "stowaways". Uh, OK, these are the dead ones. What about the ones that have ...
She is owed reparations. But she has to pay it to herself. She is the mule. Someone give her 40 acres. The bloodlines of Mrs. Obama and Mr...
Every day I wake up at 4:30 and make a pot of coffee. I watch The Weather Channel as the coffee brews and my two cats battle each other for ...
Because Captain Thurston has been on a tear about odd clothing since the mantyhose debate, I thought I would look into the world of strange ...
Could this talking fruitcake be any more out of touch with human reality? This guy is such a wormy little Napoleanic twit that I am tempted ...
As a general rule, Muslims suck!
Interesting point raised over at Moonbattery
This is like a series or something. Items I find that are better than wearing mantyhose.
What we've learned this past year is that the status quo in the Middle East is the better option. Despite Assad's backing by Russia...
This note from the Local 2544, National Border Patrol Council : In another nauseating series of "Virtual Learning Center" brainwas...
If Obama had a son, he might look like a zombie dog eater.
This is a picture of my great great great grandfather, when he was a confederate soldier during the Civil War. This is the uniform he wore....
One of the best things I've read in a while. Ben Franklin... You were awesome! On June 25th of 1745, Benjamin Franklin wrote the follo...
From a recovering bath salt zombie...
I've been sounding this alarm since 1990. No one listens, and I blog in my underwear. So someone more important needs to pay attention...
She is a stand-up comedian... And she loves hot dogs...
Which, of course, means earth was much warmer as well at that time. Who is to blame for how warm it was 20 million years ago? No one. Tha...
This is bound to draw the ire of The First Chaka... FOOD : It is claimed that Napoleon said that “armies march on their stomachs,” and the s...
Obama voter...
Amnesty? A grieving mother told a South Carolina court she was slapped with several bills, including one to clean the street after her son w...
I've blogged about free cell phone programs in the past. Now comes From the website... If you, or members in your househ...
Everything the Obama's do costs jobs... The First Lady is not making many friends in the cranberry industry. Thanks to Michelle Obama...
Fascinating video below the break
If I would have had this growing up...Well, yeah, I'd probably be dead. But a more competent kid would have had a lot of fun with this.
You see mantyhose people, there are silly ideas (see, e.g., mantyhose) and then there is genius ... So, in review... Mantyhose = bad...Shoe ...
Sickening video really. Akin to tips on how to club baby seals. The president continues: ‘Then we went to see Do The Right Thing’ And Mrs...
These are the men who stopped the Taliban siege at a Kabul hotel . Badasses!
Man, the crap you find on the internet. Some 47 million years ago, these turtles clung to each other as they mated in a German lake. Now fos...
And to think that these jerks get 5 dollars for a cup of joe. How much for the bug doughnut?
And this is world's next super power? An investigative journalism programme which airs on Xi'an TV, has become a national laughing s...
Let me see. How can I put this without offending anyone? What else would you expect from guys who put co*ks in their mouth and girls who s...