Heading out on the road this afternoon so no stories today about pot smoking birds or drunk cats. I leave you with the graphic image of viol...

Heading out on the road this afternoon so no stories today about pot smoking birds or drunk cats. I leave you with the graphic image of viol...
Meatheads. From Aol.com : Two siblings' alibi for allegedly trying to steal a TV was incest. Police Robert and Amanda Larrivee, were cau...
Simply the best college football player in the nation. EMAW I lived in Manhattan, Kansas for about 10 years. Not much out there. Except one...
I wonder if these Muslims were asked to exit the back door of the White House by the garbage pile? I bet the Dalai Lama knows the answer.
My kids can't get this song out of their heads. I expect a note from their principal soon.
I guess the irony of the following statement is lost on mental midget Van Jones: “President Obama is a towering figure on foreign policy,” ...
Muslims...God's cruel joke on humanity. Turkish schoolchildren in Istanbul received a series of books denouncing scientific figures , in...
Smart power! The Times of Israel: Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi participated in prayers over the weekend in which the preacher urged All...
I saw this in the comment section of an article this morning. Very clever. Copy, paste, share. UNINSTALLING OBAMA.....……………. █████████████▒...
Think about it. Do you really want to vote for a man who has the support of three of the world's biggest thugs? You know something st...
Question 1: Who in their right minds would ask the First Lady of the United States the old boxer vs. briefs question? I don't care if ...
I stumbled upon these vintage Halloween photos. If I looked out in my yard and saw these creepy little devils I'd be running for the sh...
We've all heard the old tale about how an owl can turn his head all the way around. Well, have you ever seen one do this? Of course you ...
Few of you may know that my good friend and cohort Nils and I are world renowned bird photographers. Here is Nils posing with a Central Amer...
Been blogging like a mad man, it's time for a break. Here is a 48 inch firework mortar shell that's impressive: And here is another ...
I like the Showtime program Homeland . I think Claire Danes has an interesting nose and I am riveted by it. The drama ain't bad either...
Madonna, your relevance has reached the number zero . Please disappear into the jungles of East Central Africa and don't come back. Oh ...
A band that shuffled through Pandora the other day, Lefties Soul Connection. Nice little jivey jam:
Jackson, Mississippi is known for a couple of things and those two things are uhhh....um..... Well anyway, there is a strip club here that r...
Let's face it crackers, everything is racist! And by everything I mean EVERYTHING! Dog whistles, cat whistles, squirrel whistles, possu...
All I can say is thank you internet because you are forever . Angry black people suggesting that other blacks kill themselves if they vote f...
We have some really dumb people living among us. And here, some Obama supporters offer their thoughts on Benghazi.
Normally when I run across something as dumb, as contrived, as fake, and as pompous as the website 90 Days, 90 Reasons , I would spend some ...
Anything to help Obama's Muslim brethren. The federal government spent $27 million teaching Moroccans how to make pottery , a project th...
That's because toddlers are dumber than owl poop. President Barack Obama is in New Hampshire today for a campaign event. According to t...
When I think of Candy Crowley, which incidentally almost never happens. . . . . .I think of this:
"Mitt's the Shit!"
Interesting to read and wholly plausible , but would our president stoop so low to appease his Muslim Masters? Anything is possible I suppos...
Well...You don't.
Pathological liars are ruling this country... Read
If these were threats to Obama, in these numbers, it would be national news. These people seem smart. Like future college students. They f...
Candy Crowley Kenan Thompson (from SNL) Oooooooooohhhhhhhh....Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....What's up with this?...What's up with that?
When I think of a woman named Candy, I like to think of this... Not this... I'd even prefer these, over that...
Gas prices were low because the economy was on the verge of collapse? WTF!!!????
Okay...I apologize. That post was pretty weak. Let me make it up to you by telling you some things you didn't know about wolverines.
Pretty much a draw. I wouldn't think anyone would be particularly swayed by either man. Stylistically, Obama won. Substantively, not ...
Do you know where your Obamaphone is? - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I admit that I do not like to kill things. I'm kind of a live and let live sort of fellow. I don't hunt, I don't keep the fish...
A video trailer of a new book about Obama. Look, I've seen enough of those photos of Obama's alleged mother posing nude to believe ...
This, I find both fascinating and funny. And in the case of the thief, pretty much disturbing. Ransom Riggs has an unusual hobby: he colle...
She eats these while making rules for what everyone else can eat. I don't like you fat Chewbacca! Michelle Obama may be a champion for ...
Wow! France's president wants to ban homework. His reason? He doesn’t think it is fair that some kids get help from their parents at ...
Moldova Moldova i / m ɔː l ˈ d oʊ v ə / , [9] [10] officially the Republic of Moldova ( Moldovan / Romanian : Republica Moldova pron...
This from an ex-presidential aide... Clinton, being Clinton, had plenty of advice in mind and was desperate to impart it. But for the first ...
So you're telling me I bought all the doomsday supplies for nothing? The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to...