An interesting read from Hitchens... What can it be that has kept Obama in Wright's pews, and at Wright's mercy, for so long and at ...

An interesting read from Hitchens... What can it be that has kept Obama in Wright's pews, and at Wright's mercy, for so long and at ...
The whole notion of Cinco de Mayo, Mexico's independence day being celebrated in America has never set well with me. So here's wish...
What is this? UFO? A witch? Personally, I think it's the latest innovation in illegal border crossing.
I'd prefer it if the Obamas kept their hands out of my pie...
I'm thinking there are way too many Muslim whackjobs over there for this to ever happen. Forget the rocket attacks, concrete blast walls...
They came for taco trucks and I said nothing, for I did not drive a taco truck... Last week, led by Gloria Molina, the L.A. County Board of ...
Something tells me this guy is exaggerating just a bit. SCOTLAND'S NEW terror tsar has warned that the threat from right-wing extremism ...
Chinese internet bullies piss me off... China’s cyber warfare army is marching on, and India is suffering silently . Over the past one and a...
Today, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) expressed that it's "Awareness Campaign" had failed. This in the wake of the ouste...
Big stuff in the works... The US military is drawing up plans for a “surgical strike” against an insurgent training camp inside Iran if Repu...
This guy Wright...This is not my kinda guy. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's loose cannon of a spiritual adviser, stole the wife...
A policeman was shot to death after a bank robbery yesterday in Philadelphia. Reports say two of the suspects were dressed from head to toe...
The Sunday Times - The Iranian Nuclear Threat Far More Advanced Than Western World Estimates.
Separated at birth?
Good God! Look at this absolute dirtbag. Monica Conyers, wife of US Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich), acting like a ghetto skank. Is it any won...
A rather large Saudi Arabian man tries to mount a horse...The horse does a better job of mounting him.
It sure sounds like Iran is calling the UK out...punking them if you ask me...Then again, who knows what these nutjobs are talking about hal...
Here I go again...One man's discovery of Islam, Muslims, and the Middle East. The more I know, the more I know I didn't know.... In...
Reverend Wright, Obama's mentor and until last week, friend and spiritual adviser, has been quoted recently as saying the US Government ...
Not sure why, but this morning, I woke up thinking of Oscar Gamble. So I figured I'd write this. Lest he be forgotten. Oscar Gamble wa...
Castro's little brother has decided to let Cubans buy computers. An entire nation discovery Liesure Suit Larry at the same time. This ...
John Gibson takes on the jackass who asked McCain if he called his wife a "cunt"? He's an Obama supporter. Surprised?
Whoot...there it is. An Iraqi delegation in Iran has confronted Iranian security officials with evidence that Tehran is providing support fo...
Yeah, well, at least you still have your head... An Al-Jazeera camerama n recently released from the Guantanamo Bay Prison has accused the U...
From Hot Air : The Hillary Clinton campaign has run on a platform of 90’s nostalgia, but it won’t like this flashback to 1992. A video makin...
The Chinese need to open their eyes. Seriously, they need to use their fingers and prop their eyes open so they can see. Like many young peo...
The Swartout Family was attacked by unhinged Leftist peace thugs in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Gathering of Eagles New York has the latest rep...
1/2 oz gin 1/2 oz vodka 1/2 oz light rum 1/2 oz peach schnapps 1/2 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur 2 oz sweet and sour mix 1/2 oz cranbe...
Well, I guess if you didn't attend a racist church for 20 years, this is the kind of questions you get asked. And McCain doesn't an...
Throw em' to the wolves... View it here h/t lgf
From the "Man, these people aren't just mean they're retarded files"... Jewish leaders concocted the mass murder of handic...
"I'm dark...I can grow a beard...and I'm not as white as many of you people in the room" Say what? You sold drugs? Or yo...
It looks like China's protests are as crappy as the products they export. They came. They expressed patriotic fervor. Then they shopped ...
In my best Gomer Pyle voice..."Surprise, Surprise Surpise"! A Kuwaiti man released from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay in 2005 ...
Boycott Obama? Are you frazy? As good as dem mutha fruggin insults is? Director Spike Lee has waded into the ongoing controversy surroundi...
Oh sure...Now they tell me...AFTER I put the malamutes to sleep. Average temperatures in areas such as California and France may drop over t...
Nearly 200 children were found to be part of a child labor ring in China. But hey, as long as you can still get lots of cheap plastic stuff...
This is from The Jerusalem Post : Iran has taken command of its nuclear technology and could have an atomic bomb in a year, (Israeli) Transp...