Breaking News
Monday, November 24, 2008

Info Post
What? You mean these people who only want to share in the "American Dream" aren't willing to stay and tough it out during the hard times? Instead they're running for the border? Their border? Here's a report out of Colorado:
A tightening economy and social hostility are driving once-hopeful Mexican immigrants such as Absalom Lopez out of Colorado. Seven years after an illegal crossing that led to abundant work cooking and cleaning, Lopez, his wife and their 6-year-old, Denver-born son plan to chase their dream of opening a tortilla factory in Mexico. They say their $1,000-a- week combined earnings here plummeted in recent months to around $300. They're moving from a $700-a-month rented house in Wheat Ridge to a less costly two-room apartment until they head home to Veracruz next year, Lopez said.

"Mexico's a better place to raise a child. . . . If we stay longer, we'll lose money, because there won't be enough work."
And this report from Nevada:
Local Hispanic immigrants, both legal and illegal, are heading back to their home countries as the U.S. economic climate worsens, community members, advocates and school officials said.

Those who remain are sending less money to their families abroad as construction and service industry jobs dry up.
The trend of illegals returning home is nationwide. The numbers cannot be accurately quantified, but there is definitely a mass exodus. I thought these people wanted to share in the American dream. I thought they wanted to be Americans. It turns out they only wanted our money.


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