This is just too good not to share. Check out this guy's face. A knife-wielding burglar had a shock when he attacked a pensioner in his...

This is just too good not to share. Check out this guy's face. A knife-wielding burglar had a shock when he attacked a pensioner in his...
Al Sharpton was caught bumping and grinding at a Michael Jackson celebration at the Apollo. Keep it classy with that broke down jerry curl....
This makes no sense. Why would they kill Michael and let Tito live? This video was recorded on FRIDAY PRAYERS the day after Michael Jackson...
I think these guys are sending a message to the Gitmo detainees. "It's on...Y'all got served".
Some of the more curious points of the Bill that will sink American families: * Funding for Youth Corps to monitor and enforce following...
And sporting a golden tan, I give you a spaghetti western.
That's Obama in his own words. It's like Mein Kampf all over again. He's told you his intentions, yet people still support him...
He was a freak. But he was our freak. And theirs too, apparently. h/t Gateway Pundit
I thought Obama was going to make it all better. What happened? Tens of thousands of North Koreans shouted slogans to denounce internation...
From the makers of the Snuggie and Slap Chop.
President Obama will travel to St. Louis on July 14 to throw out the first pitch at the Major League Baseball's All-Star Game, the Whit...
I lost this video sometime ago as it was removed from Youtube. But thanks to the folks at Moonbattery , it's back. Barney Frank - The Ba...
Stay gold Plasma Boy.
It hasn't been said better by anyone thus far.
Doesn't this sound like a Pelosi bill? The family , clad in black, stood at the curb of the road sobbing. A middle-aged mother slapped h...
If it weren't for Obama's stimulus plan.
Last round has been called on a Hollywood legend. RIP to the ultimate sidekick. Here's Howard Stern with a hilarious chop up of an audi...
This, of course, assumes men aren't using this ringtone. The man-friendly ringtone come later.
This will give you some idea just how bad our electoral process has become. Thanks to "community organizers" like ACORN. In 50 Ir...
Obama is spineless. It took him days to come out with a measured response to what anyone who knows the difference between right and wrong w...
They ain't all just yelling.
Earlier today we posted a video of a woman who had been shot dead by Iranian hardliners (see video here ). Here's another video. Warni...
I love the Obama signal when flashed in the sky. Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Warning. This is very graphic. Meanwhile...Obama Cuts funding for Pro-Democracy Movement in Iran. The man is defending his radical Muslim ...
Video from Persian BBC. This video was smuggled out of Tehran, Iran. It was posted on Youtube with no description. I guess they didn't...
I knew I'd seen this before.
This is a desperate attempt by Obama to continue his appeal to the video game generation. Hey, kids, don't try this at home. Professi...
Remember when Obama said during the campaign..."and when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spendin...
But never y'all mind. Just keep staring at the spinning disc. You are getting sleepy. David Scheiner, an internist based in the Chicag...
Seems like a reasonable dress code to me. I'm a little worried, however, that these people have to be told. I bet they voted for hope ...
Crazy Crowder...
They make kids go to school on the short bus for talking like this.
North Korea is planning to fire a nuclear missile at Hawaii on Independence Day. North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towar...
Politically I thinks this is bad news for the Republicans. This does nothing but allow Obama to play the blame Bush card again. The only t...
The gestapo will stop at nothing. Crushing all in its path. The man seems perfectly lucid to me. Stop the age discrimination. As backgrou...
Flies tend to hover around bullshit. The fly's name was "American Dream".
Of course he's lying. That's what the man does. Gerald Walpin, who until last week was the inspector general for the Corporation fo...
You may see pictures like this in America very soon. Iran's soccer fans wave their national flags during the 2010 FIFA World Cup Asia g...
How have I not seen this before? Fedor vs. Hong Man Choi. Fedor Vs Hong Man-Choi Uploaded by DBFDM . - And now for something considerably mo...
This came through on Twitter. The photo explains itself.
If you're white, and had intentions of intending the Naval Academy, your future just got harder. The Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary...
I wouldn't lie to you.
Fascism on alarmingly dangerous levels. But at least they aren't hiding it anymore. On the night of June 24,the media and government be...
Embedded video from CNN Video
Heh. You just know that many of these doctors voted for hi. Where's your God now? For all the young president's popularity, the re...
One man was killed and many wounded, said an Iranian photographer who witnessed the shooting. Television footage showed one man, his leg cov...
Stolen in its entirety from Feed Your ADHD Name 6 things your favorite (or least favorite) politician has in common with serial killers : Su...
Remember Obama's outrage at Wall Street execs and their "business trips"? Well...Courtesy of the Obama Travel Agency: They lo...
I'll wear this tinfoil hat until I see solid prove that Obama is a legitimate American citizen. From Repubx: This article was originall...
I'm not sure, but it appears that's the case when the Obama slobbering American media combines forces with the brother of the golden...
This is one of the funniest things I've read in sometime. Worst case of jungle fever I've ever seen. The smiling, ethnically divers...