Breaking News
Friday, September 4, 2009

Info Post
let there be no further doubt...We have a video that "celebrities" wanted your children to watch. This is just outrageous in its fascist intent.
A school principal has apologized for showing a video at an assembly that a politically conservative group leader is calling "radical, leftist propaganda."

Children at Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington were shown a short video called "I pledge" on Aug. 28. The video opens with an image of President Barack Obama and part of a speech in which he says, "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other." The video then features celebrities making pledges about how they will help the president and the world -- and that's where some say the problem lies.
Here’s some of the “pledges” made by celebrities in the video.

“I promise to make sure that senior citizens have access to healthcare.”

“I pledge to advance stem cell research.”

There’s no doubt that pedophiles would appreciate this next pledge:

“I pledge to show more love to strangers.”

And this:

“I pledge to sell a culture of intelligence, rather than ignorance.”

“I pledge my services to Barack Obama.”

The video then has celebrities asking “What’s your pledge?” and “I know you got a pledge, what’s your pledge?”

The video ends with “I pledge, to be servant to our President, and all mankind.”

For more pledges, here’s the video:

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

h/t dbkp


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