Remember when Newsweek was a respected rag? They've lost their collective minds I would say. From
Stop the ACLU:If you’re Caucasian, don’t think you’re ever clean of the moonbat answer to original sin. According to Newsreek, even babies are racist.
At the Children’s Research Lab at the University of Texas — located in liberal Austin, the Berkeley of the Southwest — Birgitte Vittrup attempted to measure how effective propaganda is at instilling multiculturalist ideology in small children. She found that despite parents’ progressive intentions and the homogenous political correctness of everything they see on TV, children 5 to 7 years old tended to consider blacks but not whites to be “mean.” That this could have something to do with playground experiences was not even considered.
Another researcher discovered that white kids are racist at six months old.
I suppose this story gives me the opportunity to post this pic.
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