That's your mind filling in the blanks. Not mine.

That's your mind filling in the blanks. Not mine.
The invasion could be up to a decade away. At least for those of us who live in 5 story walk-ups. Be safe. The outcome of this video is so...
Dudes, these guys know how to party. This country virtually NEEDS the Chinese to, at the very least, make it more fun and interesting around...
Big Props to the Las Vegas Review Journal This newspaper traces its roots to before Las Vegas was Las Vegas . We've seen cattle ranches...
I like to document all the reasons why Russia no longer poses a threat by itself. Here's reason # 349. First, a drunk husband was abus...
It was Obama who told his minions to "get in people's faces". This happened in Tuscon, Arizona. See the video here.
I'm starting to see a pattern here.
It's like a scene from Moscow. Officer Hope and Change needs his badge taken away. This video was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 a...
Personally, I've always been scared shitless by the bears and mountain lions. DENVER (AP) - A federal warning to beware of campers in na...
Cause I have some archive memorabilia I am auctioning off. Do I hear a ten, ten, twenty, twenty, twenty, going once, going twice, sold to th...
I can do this because it looks like The Capt. is off hunting squirrels then calling it pulled pork... Jeff Beck! Yeah! Groove, my people, gr...
Damn. Ah heck, we've all been there at least once in our lives....
Check out This Article from GQ by the late Michael Kelly from 1990. Don't remember this one making a huge splash or Kennedy responding ...
I'm not bullshittin' you guys. They are actually using the silent treatment as a means of interrogation. But they only result to t...
Anti-Obama crop circles in show up in Texas.
I guess his handlers figured he hasn't quite overcome his ridiculous over-exposure. Absence makes the heart grow fonder bro. So how ab...
Putting this into context, and remembering this was cut in 1957, and that the world had never heard anything like this before, this very wel...
Looks at this half-wit taking IDs like he's some kind of king. Boot this bastard out of office.
I just want to know how the hell this is possible. It's a simple question, and I'm pretty sure I'll never get an answer, not...
Over the years we've all been shocked at Muhammad Ali's condition when he'd make the odd public appearance. A few times pleasant...
A little late to the game, but Beck is nails. Pay attention America. Hier kommt der Gestapo .
In their latest attempt to re-package the turd known as Obamacare, Democrats are mulling the idea of naming it after the recently deceased T...
We reported on this horrific story some time ago. Here's an update. Background: According to news reports, Christian and Newsom had gon...
Europeans have taken a page from the White House. Much like the health care snitch line, Europeans are being asked to rat out people who ar...
While you peruse the Big Feed. My kid came home today with the lunch rate sheet for his school. And this is what it said: Hard Working Ameri...
Thankfully, the dog got away. Two Taliban boppin' a barn animal.
What's the world coming to when you can't take the word of a mass murderer? The man who took the decision to free the Lockerbie bomb...
During the 2008 election Samuel Joseph Wurzenbacher (aka Joe the Plumber) confronted Barack Obama during a campaign rally in Toledo Ohio. Wu...
It is Obama who wants America to the be the world's leader in green technology. That's what he wants. Of course, he has no idea how...
Mind you, these are the same people who have been quoted as saying that a good crisis should never go to waste. Enter the new bogeyman. Swi...
You know things are going bad when you're a liberal president and Air America shows you no respect. As details of Obama's secret de...
This from the Marine's own youtube description: I, David William Hedrick, a member of the silent majority, decided that I was not going ...
I'm just going to go ahead and say that this idea will fail. Room temperature ice cream? That's like buying a car with no wheels. ...
Hopenosis. Marching order for nutroots.
Quite the Scary Stuff.
Fast Cars and "Roots" the book , not that movie bullshit. Couple other things I like, amatuer criminals and the desert. Put em tog...
Just like when he was gazing at some young girl's behind , Obugger's head just isn't in the game. August, traditionally a very q...
It's Saturday, so why not? Warning! It's Redd Foxx.
Found this on Youtube. Disregard the Rush bashing at the beginning of the video. An Obama parody set to the tune of American Pie.
By now, many of you have seen this video. Barack Obama claiming Washingtonians get too "wee-wee'd up" in August. Your first r...
Anyone see this story in the mainstream media? The no good, never gave a damn thing to America, all they've ever done is take from this...
At least he's losing his appeal with this one anyway. Rib roaring hilarity.
Our lead story today is the racist attack on Americans by a Mexican group that wants to conquer America. This is what the AP is reporting a...
Well, he does.
The return of a Friday a tradition. 3 oz vodka 1 oz apple juice 1 oz orange juice 2 oz lemonade 1/2 oz lemon juice Add all ingredients into ...
Video of released terrorist Abdel Basset Megrahi. He is receiving a hero's welcome in Libya. He was released by Scotland after serving ...
I am a huge fan of cars, trucks, vehicles in general, and particularly gas-guzzling, muscled-up, "speed kills" cars like this fant...
And these same buffoons want us to believe they can run our health care. Can they do anything right? Anything? The National Automobile Dea...
Gerd Leipold, the outgoing leader of Greenpeace, admitted that his organization's recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by 203...
Sometimes we just have to break ranks and remind ourselves how to rock n' roll. I have no deadlines or quotas. I don't answer to P...
And then proceeds to say white racist gun toters are showing up at Obama appearances. These guys have sunk so low you can't even call th...
Obama is going to have a conference call tomorrow with the head of the SEIU. The same union that has had members arrested for beating oppo...
She's not a doctor. But she did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. This time the phony was at a Barney Frank Town Hall Meeting.
This might be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. America's only Black Ranger at Yosemite National Park says Blacks don't...
Yeah. I'd say the test would be a good idea. Damn! The fate of controversial South African 800 metres runner Caster Semenya remains u...
This guy would know about Obama's intentions. In essence, Howard Dean says Obama is lying to the American public. Visit for B...
And the indoctrination continues. They might as well be doing this. It ain't like there are any jobs out there for them to get. From ...
60,000 seniors have dropped their AARP membership since July 1. Do the liberals still think this is just a concocted opposition by just a s...
Another blow to the rapidly sinking nutroot ship. Do liberals really want to insist this man is a racist? When cryptic posters portraying P...
From the who can and cannot spam files: Dateline: July 22, 2008 The "spam king" was sentenced on Tuesday to 47 months in prison ,...
Nice unbiased piece of work here CNN. No moron. We're not all real Americans. Some of us what to see it prosper. Some of you want to...
Americans across the country have noticed that their politicians have gone missing during the health care debate. They are nowhere to be fo...
Sure. These are the ones we've been waiting for. More Union thuggery. Well. Obama did tell his people to get in their faces. The ass...
That's how I see it. And I know that's how Obama sees it. In Obama's eyes, he's not losing his health care battle because ...
It's Victory in America Day. Obama is retreating on all cylinders. Nice political courage you got there Barry. Piss your pants much? ...