Here is the story as it ran this morning:
The Democrats are busted again. This time, planting a fake doctor at a town hall meeting on health care. These reports claim to have exposed a recent Obamacare supporter as a pretender.
Roxana Mayer stood before God and man and said she was a pediatric primary care physician at Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's town hall meeting and that she was a huge supporter of Obamacare.

One small issue there. She is not a pediatric primary care physician. In fact, she's not even a doctor. But she was an Obama state delegate.
Here's video of the phony baloney. Not hard to tell, like, um, like, why the phony doctor alarm bell went off. Like, um, most doctors can like, um, uh, put together two sentences without like, stuttering and stammering and like, using the word like.
Read more on this outrageous hoax here.
UPDATE # 2: Even more shenanigans revealed by Gateway Pundit:
The fake doctor plant attended Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's town hall with the crazy Che fan Maria Isabel who ran an Obama office in Houston.
Here's Maria Isabel's office during the election.
UPDATE # 3: Thanks to our readers, we can now add the following information.
At first, the Houston Chronicle took Mayer's word that she is a doctor, failed to investigate her bona fides, and reported the following:
Some attendees at the meeting spoke in favor of the plan, go (sic -- going?) so far as to want a system where the government had complete control.More...
One supporter, Dr. Roxana Mayer, a physician who does not live in Jackson Lee’s district, praised the reform plan for overhauling a broken system.
“I don’t know what there is in the bill that creates such panic,” she said.
Suspicious, Patterico began digging, finding the following in short order:More...
* "The AMA Doctor Finder doesn’t list any physician named Roxana Mayer."
* "Nor does the Texas Medical Association."
* "Linked In lists a Roxana Mayer — who, according to LinkedIn, is slated to graduate from the University of Houston with a Masters in Social Work in 2010."
* "However, the University of Houston lists a student by the name of Roxana Mercedes Mayer."
After Patterico did the dirty work, the Chronicle's Cynthia Horswell added the following four paragraphs to the story this morning, while giving Patterico no credit:One our commenters added this:
In an e-mail to the Chronicle on Thursday morning, Mayer confirmed she is not a licensed physician.
"I have been advised to refrain from making any further statements," she said.
In the initial story about the event, the Chronicle reported that she was a doctor based on her claim at the meeting.
Today, Jackson Lee denied knowing Mayer and said she was not planted as a friendly voice in the crowd.
Horswell's story, time-stamped at of 10:46 a.m. CT as of the time of this post (saved here at my host for future reference) has the same URL to which Patterico linked, meaning that Horswell's current renditon has effectively flushed all previous versions down the Chron's memory hole.
Horswell still hasn't told readers that Mayer was an Obama delegate. Patterico commenter "mike in houston" reports direct e-mail evidence from Horswell that the Chron reporter has known this from the very beginning of this sordid episode and has chosen not to disclose. Mayer's status as a delegate, along with additional "coincidences" reported at, would tend to severely if not fatally dent the credibility of Jackson Lee's claim not to know her -- even beyond the hug picture with Mayer and Lee the Chron has already published.
The Patterico crowd is writing letters to the Texas Ethics division that regulates social workers.
It's against the law to impersonate a doctor.
Hold them to their own standards - they're the idiots who crave endless government regulations.
And here's a link to complain, you have to fill it out and return by mail. But It's worth it.
Think about how they crucified a regular Joe who was doing nothing but standing in his own front yard when Obama the messiah approached him.
And the compliant process
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