Man chosen to investigate helped design system.

Man chosen to investigate helped design system.
Auld Lang Syne in English. 'Cause I don't wanna insult any Irish, Cornish, Welsh, Scots, or Bretons. Or most Americans below the Mas...
As always, Oz can be trusted to bring the rawk.
Start the year with one of the sweetest folks on the interwebs, Julia Nunes.
Dedicated to a tall, auburn-haired girl who gave me many gifts 'fore she moved on. Couple o' those gifts call me Dad.
Here's wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2010.
A memorial to our fallen. Interesting guy, Michael Yon. I read his first book, Danger Close .
They love Obama in Afghanistan. They just haven't been told so yet by the mainstream media. People chant anti-American slogans and burn...
If this were a "mean" picture of Jesus, this man's job would not be in danger. At least one Colorado Department of Transport...
This is good for a few laughs.
I see the religion of peace is ringing in the new year. A gunman opened fire inside a busy shopping center near the Finnish capital of Hel...
They even have an Iphone app for snitching. The website EcoSnoop invites visitors to snitch on people who are enjoying just a little too m...
This is just bizarre. Two Williamsburg County students and members of their family have reached a $150,000 settlement in what may be the fi...
Updated reports say he's now resting comfortably. Here's a video report.
I think it's just a matter of time over there.
This story was my favorite of 2009. Come on. Little boys running around waving their things. Exerting their hope and change. Great count...
"In a year where the government famously entered the automobile business and spent months trying to increase its presence in the health...
Thanks Russia. But playing God is Obama's job. Russia's space chief said Wednesday his agency will consider sending a spacecraft t...
Green Berets are hunting Taliban In Pakistan.
And who will stop them? Prepare for the mother of all race cards. Prepare to eat crap sandwiches for the rest of your natural born life. R...
If your goal is to create a liberal utopia in your own image, then what do you do with all those other people who don't think like you? ...
Check your volume level. Astounding video smuggled out of Iran.
Feel safe do ya? President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to track down all those behind an attempt to bring down a U.S. airliner on Christma...
The final installment. I know Nesho is hanging on the edge of his seat. I'm the guy in the black hat. The car is my freedom. Everyon...
"The U.S. president - the practical saviour of our times" W. T. F. ?!!
Our government is in the very best of hands. Also, Fox News says the Knickerbomber's dad contacted the U.S. Embassy not once, not twice,...
Please read this.
We had every opportunity to stop him. "When a prominent Nigerian banker and former government official phoned the American Embassy in A...
I just let a two year-old listen to a selection of old ska music, including the Maytals from 1962, with headphones. I like this cover of Pr...
Hammered, sh*tfaced, three sheets to the wind, bolstered with Dutch courage. Montanans must be so proud. I hope Obamacare covers rehab.
That's the message I saw at the top of this Sunday's Best Buy flyer. "Happy Kwanzaa". Y'all might remember this is t...
Turtle Creek Chorale, a men's chorus. Dressed as nuns. Merry Christmas, and God bless us, one and all.
It's not as easy as it looks!
American-Yemeni Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki told Fort Hood killer Nidal Hasan that it was religiously permissible to kill U.S. soldiers on Americ...
Eat a raw seal's heart. Okay, I'm six months late. But it's so cool!
Last week, Obama gave Interpol free reign here in the States. Staffed by Americans, based out of the Department of Justice, they have dipl...
"I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll have doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Insuranc...
Funded by George Soros . Talk about flying a false flag!
He's a record-breaking QB who can also play defense. No one has ever been as successful. He won the Mississippi All-Star football game...
At least he's got that goin' for 'im.
Tell me these categories aren't accurate. George W. Bush was a Wilsonian who eventually had to give in to America's Jacksonian core ...
From .
The West Bank, Gaza and Israel are no longer safe for Christians. They are leaving Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, for their own safety. ...
Subject: To all my friends To All My Democratic Friends: Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an envi...
I'm on the road for two days. With the kids in the car, I doubt I'll be able to listen to any Sinatra. But that doesn't mean y...
Yes. You guessed it. I'm the the guy in the black hat. And the other guy in the black hat, with Ned Beatty, is just another false pro...
He doesn't like them writing Christmas songs. As for the rest of his complaint, this may be the first time I've sort of agreed with ...
This is one Crowder video you have to watch.
Again, I'm the guy in the black hat...Substitute "Jesus" and themes related thereto with "Government"..."It ain...
Muslim fanatics get owned by a woman. That's gotta hurt. A California Army National Guard group was attacked Saturday by a "comp...
The Leningrad Cowboys, from Finland, play Sweet Home Alabama. With a little help from the Red Army.
In order to hide the Medieval Warming Period, a small band of global warmists created the website They the assigned one of...
There is also a recent indication that prominent black supporters are turning on him too. The question is, who does like him? I mean, beside...
Shades of South Park. Tis the season... Two wheelchair-bound men in an East Village shelter got into a name-calling argument early today t...
The man has a case of the yips.
Yeah...So I'm the guy in the black hat...And the car is healthcare...Everyone else are Democrats....It's metaphorical and whatnot.
Dear Al Gore: Go fuck yourself! Sincerely, Captain Thurston
Conservatives. Send this video to every person you know. This needs to be made known. And keep in mind, this vote was bought with taxpaye...
Not a good morning. Ima go eat some pancakes. Until later, here's some raw Americanness...Straight up in yo face!...Dig?
Snarky Basterd asked that I cross-post this open letter from Feed Your ADHD: Dear Every Senator: You shall not pass this monstrosity H...
Happy? Anyone? Seriously, if you are, speak up; Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.), the final Democratic holdout on health care , was prepared to ann...
I actually like this plan. Obama Zombies can't multiply if no one breeds with them. F the Vote w/ Zach Gilford & Eva Amurri from Z...
Sigmund, Carl, and Fred
Who you gonna believe?
Rare Vietnam war footage.
Food for thought from Barry Rubin. ..."To put it bluntly, after decades of failing to be moved by ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-schooled ch...
This is just hilarious. Watch as Press Secretary Robert Gibbs tries to get state run media in for Obama's speech. The Chinese aren...
Very well done. Let's all point at Tiger and laugh.
Interesting. And what if they don't leave? What if, indeed? Iranian forces took control of a southern Iraqi oil well on a disputed s...
Poor lil' Hopey. Mother Gaia's last hope and he was as shaky as Katherine Hepburn on a Segway. Just look at the reviews by his best...
You knew it was just a matter of time. Obama keeps it real. Admissions of Pete DeFazio (Oregon Democorat): DeFazio was one of only two Dem...
What a completes disaster! This is Obama's speech in Copenhagen. He's lost his flippin' mind.
Slowly but surely a crime against American sports history proceeds unabated. Yankee Stadium, a site of so many great events in its glorious ...
...have I wanted to punch a person in the face so badly. Two people actually. I'm not a violent person, either. This is disturbing on a...
DJ...cue the Lee Greenwood...I'm Proud to be an American. It's a Christmas trifecta. You may never, EVER, read a more bizarre story...
Got a few text messages from Ali Blah Blah today. Our man in Manhattan. He went down to ground zero to see for his own eyes where the new ...
More slaves today than in the 1800s. Africa both the main market and supply of the slaves. America not to blame, so nobody gives a rat...
Don't know why, but I woke up this morning thinking about Joe Delaney. And it occurred to me, that many of you probably don't know ...