Breaking News
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Info Post
If you've been with The Big Feed for a while, this story won't surprise you. From WND:
A new video released by the Christian Action Network shows Muslim women at a compound in New York state practicing throat-slitting techniques and assault weapons attacks.
The video was distributed by the makers of the movie "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.," which documents how a jihadist group has developed dozens of training camps across the nation. WND reported at the time how Jamaat ul-Fuqra has built 35 compounds – mostly in the northeastern corridor of the U.S.
The video includes segments of training exercises in which one person appears to practice a maneuver that would slit the throat of a victim. There are episodes of what appears to be automatic weapons fire at a target and incidents in which a handgun is held point-blank at a "victim's" head.

As I said, if you've been with us for a while, this shouldn't surprise you. Here's a report we ran some time ago about Islamberg, a radical Muslim compound located in upstate New York. Read it.


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