I would like to wish you all a very happy new year. Life is very short. Love those who matter to you. Every chance you get. And now I giv...

I would like to wish you all a very happy new year. Life is very short. Love those who matter to you. Every chance you get. And now I giv...
From a December 14, 2009 report from U.S. Vice President Al Gore and Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre: When snow and sea ice melt...
New Black Panther Leader Reveals Collusion at NYC Meeting With Ahmadinejad to Build Alliance, Secure Raw Materials and Overthrow America
It's the pot calling the pot black. Or something like that. Many Russian immigrants to the "red borough" of Staten Island are...
Then we on the same damn page.
The first manned space flight to orbit the moon launched from Earth Dec. 21, 1968. The crew sent this telecast from lunar orbit on Christmas...
I hope you have a Merry Christmas. God bless you all.
This is it. So curt, yet so right. And born of the awful reality. From Fox News Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano , leaving t...
An American treasure.
Remember just a few months ago all the euro trash punks commenting in glee about America's economic troubles? China has said it is willi...
23% of those produced in our liberal education system can't pass the military entrance exam . When I took it, they offered me any job I...
This Muslim child is traumatized his teacher told a story that involved ham. It's wonder these freaks haven't burned every copy of ...
First, Brett Favre send out pics of his wee wee, and now Rex Ryan is making foot fetish videos. A day after a series of bizarre foot-fetish...
There is nothing the Jews can't do. Nothing! See the video here
Did Nancy Pelosi get permission to sing God Bless America? Because I'm pretty sure God wouldn't have given it to her. And then ther...
Nancy Pelosi finally found a reason to be patriotic. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday led jubilant legislators and soldiers discharge...
And asks that you eat turkey instead of ham this year.
At first I thought this was the special olympics. Then I realized it's just some really goofy Taiwanese athletes.
How can these people see things so differently from us? And how can they make up such a large part of our government? Things have to come to...
And the homosexuality too. Meanwhile, America is repealing don't ask don't tell. It seems to me that the logical solution would be...
I'm guessing these bouncers don't care about Plessy vs. Ferguson.
Just why are they building these homes? 64 million empty? Isn't that the population of Mars? These amazing satellite images show spr...
From Franklin Mint Oh wait...here we go... Oh screw you. There's a resemblance and you know it.
One of these days people will recognize Islam for what it is. A death cult. And its existence won't be tolerated on this land. Al Qaed...
This does not surprise me in the least. If you saw the search terms that bring Muslims to this site, you'd know why. Some seriously re...
Overstated, yet not overstated. I see this is as evidence the government is finally running out of ridiculous ways to spend our money and i...
Pablo Escobar, drug kingpin, had a pet hippo. It escaped and was shot dead in 2009. The following document reveals that Columbia has a way...
Never go first Akmed.
A bicycle lock and wars to stop. It seemed like a good idea at the time. h/t AWL
Totally off the subject, but do they have 7-11s in France? Nicolas Sarkozy will take another lurch to the Right with a speech on New Year...
It's that time of year.
Maybe good dating advice in this economy.
I decided to give an extended trial run with a new comment box. Good news is it looks and works better. Bad news is, all previous comments...
I find this to be odd. As the truth often is. In 1763, in the Pennsylvania Gazzete, Ben Franklin (yes that Ben Franklin), published a coll...
Sharpton has asked the FCC to ban Rush Limbaugh from public airwaves. He believes Limbaugh engages in hate speech. Only problem is...
Winston-Salem, North Carolina - 1939 - A belt salesman during the tobacco market at Planter’s Warehouse. This the Reynolds' Building, bu...
Ha. Emails from Julian Assage to some teenage girl. She was 19, he was 33. About the speed you'd expect from a spindly little douche ...
I've basically given up on Crowder. Ever since he went to Pajamas Media, the Walmart of conservative thought. I've relegated him to ...
There are absolutely awesome photos of the US Marines in action over at The Brigade. Check em out
Another battle lost. In Jolly ol' England... Christmas has been banned by the Red Cross from its 430 fund-raising shops. Staff have bee...
They'll love it. How do I know? I just do.
I truly feel sorry for the handful of rational people left in that state. A word of advice to those people. Move to Utah. California regul...
This just looks bad. Real bad. Male strip tease acrobats perform for the Pope, and his other male friends. While I have your atten...
I have a more accurate name. "One who steals 55% of your inheritance". President Obama has a Crow Nation Indian name : One Who He...
See if you can make it through the whole story. Ouch! A 44-year-old woman who allegedly ripped her daughter-in-law's nipple off during...
It's a theory being discussed at Hot Air . Some of the comments are insightful.
Rioters in Greece are angry over union wage cuts. This kind of rioting will happen here. Or we will perish. And I don't think I'm ov...
Good Job Bad Job By the way, I found this comment in response to one of my older posts: Anonymous said... Another glamor of way is a intuiti...
Flashback - April, 2009 The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist ...
Charlie Brown a Muslim? I hope this doesn't get me killed.
So Putin's lil' love bird, Olympic gymnast Alina Kabayeva, is on the cover of Russian Vogue. Two things come to my mind when I see t...
I think the whole state of West Virginia just locked themselves in the bathroom.
And not one of those lame, play fetch type bisons you get at the pet store. But a beer drinking bison that likes to ride shotgun when I...
Pretty good actually. Video...
here's yet another example. Looks like all those years of performing for Democratic candidates has paid off: President Obama is tapping...
STFU and fold my shirt Ping Pong. You see Mr. Wong, that's a bull and horns kinda thing. You really wanna go ghetto Jackie Chan? Caus...
Profoundly dumb . "This tax package does a couple of things immediately for economic growth in Florida. Number one, for those folks loo...
Preparing for the Chinese invasion?
With the economy the way it is, this is all many can afford to eat. By the way, this appears to be a legitimate produc t . h/t Innominatus
but it's closer to the truth than it should be.
Let's see how you like it you pasty white turd. My, this guy certainly is full of himself. This is classic liberal dementia. Jailed Wi...
Someone get these guys an anatomy book. Or a boyfriend. Tim Ely, a retired Army officer who once commanded a military police unit in Guanta...
It's a death cult. Nothing more. And then there's this. Hey, it's not all fun and games here. The truth is just downrig...
Stop, drop, and make like an opossum. Mexican officials are teaching school children how to dive for cover if they come under fire from gan...
While cleaning up an ancient tomb, Chinese archaeologists have discovered a bowl of bone-soup believed to be around 2,400 years old.
Hopefully it is coming to an end. I have been saying for some time now that it's time to let Germany and Japan do what they do best. M...
We already knew this, but it's nice to have the science to back it up. In a new study, UNL researchers measured both liberals' and c...
Well...not really. It was actually her daughter Bristol. But that didn't stop the deranged left-wing media from reporting it that way.
I don't know why some folks do certain things.
Totally unreasonable request. Those doctors should form a union or something. An Italian hospital director sent a memo to doctors and nurse...
I found these photos of New York Street Gangs from the 70s at Deadlicious . My apologies if you were ever in one of these gangs, but these ...
Estimates are that it will sell for between $2-$5 million A flag that accompanied Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and his 7th Cavalry into ...
It's time to boogie woogie. Here's one (yes I keep posting it) from one of The Big Feed's own bloggers. Cousin Kenny, where yo...
Sick bastard! A popular Columbia professor was charged Thursday with incest - accused of a sick sex relationship with a female relative, pr...
This is just one of those stories that I'll just have to link. Read it here And then get back to me.
Doh! As negotiators from nearly 200 countries met in Cancun to strategize ways to keep the planet from getting hotter, the temperature in t...
Sometimes I find things on the internet that I simply must share. This is one of them. Found at Are We Lumberjacks ? "Work is comp...
I seem to recall Penn and Teller pulling this over on crazed libs a while back. This time, the signing took place at the United Nations Con...
Actually, America F**ed electing him. But he's not helping matters.
Tell the world!
Yes those sanctions are working like a charm! Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on western informati...