When snow and sea ice melt, less sunlight is reflected away from the surface of the Earth, and when permafrost melts, more of the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide are released. Both these changes further increase global warming and thus cause ice to melt even faster, the report confirms.
The melting of glaciers can cause extensive water shortages. Today, more than a billion people depend on water from the Himalayan plateau.
Now that the planet has experienced snow storm after snow storm:
From Tues 12/28 Time Online Health and Science section. Article entitled Holiday Blizzard: More Signs of Global Warming:
Judah Cohen, the director of seasonal forecasting at the environmental research firm AER, has written that increasing seasonal snow cover in Siberia may drive extreme winter weather. Even as the planet has continued to warm and the Arctic has melted, seasonal snow cover has increased in Siberia, especially north of high Asian mountain ranges like the Himalayas. (As the climate warms overall, the atmosphere can hold more moisture, which can lead to more precipitation —
Oh I see! Climate Change means less water! Oh, except when it doesn't! Crystal clear folks!
Let me know what the next prediction coming out of your Commodore 64 is smart guys.
"I am ashamed to be associated with these scientists. Now if you'll excuse me, my Fresca is getting warm..."
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