Just look at this twit on vacation: At least the original Urkel had a cool ride: While we're on it, at least the original Urkel had a fi...

Just look at this twit on vacation: At least the original Urkel had a cool ride: While we're on it, at least the original Urkel had a fi...
Yes folks, I have returned! And in celebration of that, I bring you a song that quantifies a lot of what has been going on in my life these ...
Ah Friday....
When I first saw your post below I thought you had put the remix of that news story up. Not sure you've seen this but this is what I wa...
Cause they raping everbody up in here.
Not that I'm defending Rangel, but Obama has a way of speaking about things he shouldn't. After Obama suggested Rangel retire with ...
Incredible story. So read it. And here's a picture of the bear's claws.
Get the fu*k outta here??!!!?? See the link here that describes the linguists the DOJ is looking for. I know Lil' Lav. I know.
Dodge created a commercial that featured a monkey... PETA complained...So Dodge re-cut the commercial
In San Marcos, Texas, there used to be a tourist attraction called Aquarena Springs that featured a swimming pig, named Ralph. I've nev...
In San Marcos, Texas, there used to be a tourist attraction called Aquarena Springs that featured a swimming pig, named Ralph. I've nev...
In San Marcos, Texas, there used to be a tourist attraction called Aquarena Springs that featured a swimming pig, named Ralph. I've nev...
A song most every man can identify with at least one time in his life. This is just brilliant. NSFW.
Don't read anything into it. Or do. Es macht nicht.
Sexy Kung Fu Fighters.
True story. In New Hampshire... A historic stone arch bridge that received more than $150,000 in federal stimulus funds this year has...
Here is a high school photo Dem. Rep. Anthony Weiner (pronounced "weener") posted on himself. And here is a picture of Screech. h/...
This chucklehead thinks this is a good idea. But is there room for Barney? Dino? Wilma? Fail.
AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Copybook Heading Productions LLC on Vimeo .
Ask yourself. Do really need this guy on that wall (obscure Few Good Men reference)? A pilot who struggles to fit into his flight suit can b...
2 never released videos from the Stones.
Mike Singletary, er uh, Michelle Obama and some friends going to brunch...
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life... As Muscovites suffer record high temperatures this summer, a Russian political scienti...
Sheila Jackson Lee sleeps during a speech by America's first Muslim Congressman. On second thought, let her sleep. Far less dangerous ...
Thanks Russia! News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a d...
should not be questioned just because I like this. I like women. Let's be clear on that.
have been greatly exagerrated. And to prove it, I give you this...A picture of my breakfast this morning.
Got an email from him last night. Ol' Nesho sent his apologies for not posting much lately but he's been very busy of late. Seems he...
..but when you combine a bunch of them with a horrible rap about global warming, you just really wish a tornado would touch down and take ca...
They just won't know what they're missing and they don't dine on swine.
The Funniest and most Damning 16 seconds of video for the Lame Stream Media.
Take Me Home
Daytona - 1960
Because anyone can celebrate Shark Week...
Found this interesting post on a blog I visit every now and then (for obvious reasons). http://www.bodyrock.tv/ This isn't a political ...
"Will someone hire my daddy away from this house? He got stinky butt!" Devastating jobs numbers today. A mountain of "stimul...
One of these days, I'm going to die laughing and moonbat lunacy. Denver taxpayers have supplied the city with magic red bikes. In their...
Brilliant! Simply Brilliant! This idea from The Last Tradition: I work in the Ground Zero area and I watched the twin towers of the World Tr...
Or was it the devil? Is there a difference? Omar Thornton sat calmly in a meeting with union representative and his supervisors as they sho...
Actually, you can't blame the monkeys. But you can blame the Democrats. The Coburn-McCain report takes issue with stimulus spending on p...
Ah the 70's... Back when a horrible disease was tame enough to simply help us loose weight. I miss those days.
Oh dear God... I only watched all the way through because I was hoping there would be a murder. Of the entire assembly hall.
Will crime rates remain as they are? Or will hope and change run wild in the streets? I feel a whole lot of "teachable moments" co...
I'm just sayin'...
This stuff just writes itself: If the rugby-playing women of Iran's national sevens team had cauliflower ears, no-one could tell. Kitte...