Breaking News
Friday, November 5, 2010

Info Post
Back in January, I posted a report about a gym that was to open in Detroit.  The gym was to be for the homeless and those homeless were to generate electricity for the "green industries" surrounding the gym by riding stationary bikes.  The idea was to get the bums in shape, get free electricity, and help the environment.  You can read the original post here.

It occurred to me this morning to follow up on this grand liberal plan.  So I did some searching on Google and I could find essentially no news on this gym, except for a slew of reports that came out when the gym was first announced.  As for any evidence of the gym actually operating, or the success of the operation, I found nothing.

I did find the website of the organization that created this gym, Cass Community Social Services.  I found evidence establishing only that the gym had opened.  Nothing further that speaks to its success or even if it's still open.  Nothing that proves that the gym is actually working as planned and that the homeless are using the gym and generating electricity and not just crapping in the corner and wiping their asses with the gym towels.

Despite not finding any evidence of the continued operation or success of the "green gym", I did find this entry on the Cass Community Social Services site:
The Cass One Cup Car Wash will open in July of 2010. This environmentally-friendly car wash uses dramatically less water than traditional washes and uses biodegradable wash products. Thus, there is no water or chemical runoff. Car wash employees are homeless men and women, most of them are also veterans. The One Cup Car Wash is mobile and can be scheduled to clean your corporate, government or organization's fleet.

A one cup car wash?  And it opened this past summer.  Like the "green gym", however, I wasn't able to find any evidence of the idea actually being implemented and being successful.  Only reports announcing their openings.

So what are we to make of all this? 

Liberals are tards...and God bless America.


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