After reading about Weiner's wiener all weekend, we need a serious refocusing of the important. For the past 12 days I've been in ...

After reading about Weiner's wiener all weekend, we need a serious refocusing of the important. For the past 12 days I've been in ...
Life is good during the reign of eco-warrior Barack Obama. Limousine liberals... Limousines, the very symbol of wealth and excess, are usua...
The media is calling them "youths". But they look to me like black people. MIAMI 'WAR ZONE' DURING URBAN WEEKEND... Rib F...
Hot? No. Dog? Yes. Nearly totally ignored by the mainstream media? Absolutely! Iowahawk sums it all up quite nicely . And follow Ace o...
Ali, did your Evel Knievel look like this? Mine did.
Somewhere, some chucklehead has a high-paying job he shouldn't have. Look at these unbelievable examples of waste from "The Nation...
I'm not knocking the lady, but Sarah Palin as the GOP candidate for President would me a major mistake. All it will do is re-energize w...
In honor of a rumored Rick Perry candidacy, I post this. I don't know all that much about the guy yet so I'm not saying he's the...
Debbie, we're not gonna take it. No, we ain't gonna take it. My apologies in advance to Mr. Dee Snider of Twisted Sister.
Comments? As a prisoner at the Jixi labour camp, Liu Dali would slog through tough days breaking rocks and digging trenches in the open cast...
Chances of ever seeing this kind of mockery from the mainstream American media? Zero!
Looks like Buckwheat, grabs her crotch like Michael Jackson. Tee Hee.
And he wants to be our climate savior? In his commencement speech at Hamilton College on Sunday, former Vice President Al Gore told the grad...
The man is three years behind. Is there any wonder we're so screwed? A message from US President Barack Obama and his wife, first lady ...
I was going to walk to lunch. Screw that!
Not much was reported about this yesterday. If I'm understanding this correctly, this is the most significant story of the year. In the...
I could post a different video like this every day. If I wanted to. Hope and change run amok! Something tells me these folks don't subsc...
In Joplin. Missouri, it's like a scene from World War II. Ireland...the Obamas drink their power juice, readying for the ...
Welcome to our world Ireland. He high-centered America as well. US President Barack Obama's heavily armoured Cadillac, nicknamed "...
Or, if you like...
Hey Capt how did this one evade us? Dude is GONE! I love this stuff when it's not me.
"...a sheep farmer and his wife heard a curious bleating sound from one of the farm’s pastures" How many times does a story start ...
I have been to Joplin, Missouri many times. Mickey Mantle began his baseball career there. It is a good size town. And it has been virtua...
They do things just a little bit different there. Photo: REUTERS/Tatyana Bondarenko Vice speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Adam Martynyu...
Flying off the shelves...
This crazy bitch does. Samantha Power of the Kennedy school and a Obama advisor calls for a military invasion of Israel to create a palestin...
So says Mahmoud. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that Western countries are plotting to generate drought in some areas of the...
And still waiting for his first date... h/t IOTW
I thought it was just me that was seriously annoyed by that New York Times "Weekender" commercial. Ali's comment, however, le...
It figures. Judging by the price sign, it looks like they're already running out of gas. A gas station on Columbia's North Main Stre...
I like to remind folks that the Russian military still sucks and that it is still a nation where corruption permeates every level. Don'...
I bet he has one of those New York Times "Weekender" subscriptions. What a turtleneck wearing douche.
A "gas-roots" movement... Purchase a pad of large sticky notes. Write on each one, "How's that Hope & Change working ...
I agree. Although I'm sure it's for different reasons. Peter Fonda launched a four-letter attack on US President Barack Obama at t...
Heck, when people look back 50 years from now, they'll probably say it began a couple of years ago. Take a look at just a few of the hea...
New federally mandated light bulbs will cost $50 each. Edison shrugged. Two leading makers of lighting products are showcasing LED bulbs th...
Yes indeed, she's back. And more ridiculously uninformed than ever. I pity the fool that don't erase their mistakes with my hair...
And Obama jokes about building a moat on the border. The asshat thinks it's funny, the border situation. Texas Department of Public Saf...
Denny's has never been one of my favorite restaurants, however I am willing to re-evaluate them based on the following display of total ...
The view across the scrubby hills of West Texas is indescribably endless. I look down on the crackled spider's web of dirt roads scratch...
Is this the way to Las Vegas? Hijinks ahead, will report soon.
Oh, this is just fantastic! Better than any other intel they could have got. A stash of pornography was found in the hideout of Osama bin ...
The narration is the best part.
This is interesting? Frightening? Walmart started slow in 1962 and then spread like wildfire in the southeast, starting in 1970, and then m...
G.I. BO...
I am a fan of Shania Twain. And as a gun-toting, beer-drinking, Jager-swilling, set the yard on fire and pass out in the flowerbed at 3 a.m....
What are the chances that a slimy loser donning a cheap rubber mask and wig and caught making audio recordings of women urniating in public ...
Pasty-faced, gutless, gold medal-winning molester Julian Assange just can't keep his thin-lipped trap shut . In an inteview with for a...
I thought the NAACP buried this word years ago? And apparently, these two mental giants are not amused.
Yeah, and they want us to believe that this guy is Osama's son? Riiiiiiiiiight! And in a bulge of ironic fate, nobody cares what Frank ...
Well damn the double post! Captain beat me to the punch by about three seconds. In that case, hey look!! It's a cat wearing a dog out. ...