For once Hopey does something I think we can all agree was a good thing. And while I will not give him total credit for killing OBL, he didn't get in the way and in fact made a good call by not bombing with a drone or letting the double dealing Pakistanis do it. He actually sent in a lightning strike and got the body out of there. That's a set of balls worthy of George W. Bush's jock strap.
But then I read where OBL was provided Muslim rites before being tossed in the ocean to be fed upon by sharks and crabs. What is wrong with Obama? And don't tell me this was a decision made by the military. This had to come straight from the top. Bin Laden's body was apparently washed and prayers from the Koran read over him. What the??? This is man who, apparently, perverted the religion of Islam. He did not afford the luxury of religious rites for 3000 people on 9/11, let alone leave the families with an intact body to bury. Why the kow tow to Islamic extremists?
Dude does something good and can't even avoid messing that up.
And release the pics of his blown apart head, Mr. President! Give us this. We saw American citizens jumping from 100 floors up. We can handle the inside of one evil terrorists head.
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