When I first heard this story I figured if they have it, it must be in a million pieces anyway. Surely either the craft had a self destruct mechanism or some F15's zeroed in on it on the ground and dropped a 2000 lb bomb on it or something. But no, today Iran is displaying the super secret stealth drone on their state TV today. While it looks like something I would buy at Kay Bee Toy and Hobby back in the day, it has been acknowledged they have it by our State Department. And really, Iran couldn't even build a model of it this fast. Dudes are pretty retarded. Surely this will wind up on China's work bench any day now. Along with our stealth chopper from the Osama raid that our "fiends" in Pakistan gave them.
Worry. Worry hard, Big Feed readers...
I blame Obama personally. Impeach him now.
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