From Brussels Journal:
France has set a new record. One thousand one hundred forty-seven cars were burned during New Year's night. There are several news sources. The following is from Le Post:A deceptive account. There is an impression of "calm", since there was no major incident to report. But this is counterbalanced by a negative find: 1147 burnt-out cars, or 30% more than last year, even though the police were out in force (35,000 men deployed). Two hundred eighty persons were arrested. Other than the burnt cars there was little to report. "Only four policemen were slightly injured," declared the Interior Ministry in its communiqué this morning, adding that "no damage to public or private property" was noted.Europe 1 suggests that some of the cars were burned by their owners:Gérard Gachet cites possible "insurance fraud" to explain the higher figures on New Year's Eve. "When cars burn in places where everything is calm," one may wonder if "certain persons" did not want to take advantage of the "new indemnity regulations" that are part of the law on compensating victims." He added that "the experts would be able to say upon examining the cars." (...)Here's the funniest part:
In Toulouse, the police used tear gas around 1:00, a.m. to assist firemen on a call. Few incidents, however, were reported in the city, where about 30 cars were torched, compared to 28 last year (...)
Nicolas Sarkozy has just suggested that he would prevent arsonists from getting their driver's license so long as their victims have not been compensated.
Meaning, of course, that as soon as they are compensated, the criminal will have his license!
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