Enter Cynthia Tucker, garden variety liberal hacksterette. She helps foment the meme that this is all about race while performing on the spittle circus which is Chris Matthews' Hardball, a perennially low-rated, let's-everyone-yell-at-the-same-time-gab-a-thon. Her position, as video is shown of white people conferring with their representatives at a townhall, is that "45-65%" of them are "not comfortable with a black president."
Well, thanks Cynthia. I am happy to know that through your keen, educated eye of sociological and psychological expertise, you are able to instantly analyze, compute and identify the 65% of the racists in that 15 second video clip. Bloody amazing! And that was just "off the cuff" analytics!
What do you see when you look in the mirror each morning Cynthia? A well adjusted, morally-absolute human being? If so, then why would you guffaw after hearing the matriarch of the Bush family, Barbara Bush, referred to as the "sliver douche bag" on Bill Maher's roundtable of scabs in 2005? As a woman, you should be disgusted and offended even if she isn't the right color for your liking. What if it was your grandmother Cynthia?
I guess it never occurred to her that maybe we white people are seriously uncomfortable when our president, irregardless of color, is spending money at a rate never before seen nor imagined, is proposing more spending which makes George Bush's deficit spending look like lemonade stand profits and is currently compiling secret lists of detractors and agitating the hard left of this country to rise up and beat down what has been, until now, the "silent majority." That is some pretty scary stuff. Damn right we're uncomfortable!
And so are some black people, particularly the ones who educate themselves to the truth and do not subscribe to the foggy myopia of victimhood, racism and "white devil" mentality that has been foisted upon generations of blacks by their leadership. A victimhood casually used, but often with disturbing deliberateness by liberals in this country to formulate, perpetuate and advance an over-arching, destructive agenda designed to squelch dissension, destroy freedom and coagulate the power base of the left. All the while, shamelessly marginalizing the larger majority of people in the United States, a majority of great ambivalence, until now.
Our country is slowly being dissected and dismembered at the critical social fabric that has kept us together for many, many years. We are far from a perfect union, but most perfect and free out of all that have blossomed on Earth. And for us, all of us, to stand idly by while an overt socialist, a man who shamelessly attended a racist church, a man who associated with domestic terrorists and who continues to ascribe to far-left, collectivist ideologies as he tears this country to shreds, is sheer societal suicide.
Trust me, no don't trust me, just heed my words, digest them and cultivate your own opinions, but beware, for Obama and the liberal wing of this country are as dangerous as any gun or bomb because they are far more insidious and perilous by virtue of their oligarchy, doublespeak and vicious propaganda. Educate yourself, learn, and speak up, the silent ones only go "squish" under the jackboot of oppression.
I leave you with this from Saul Alinsky's Rules of the Ethics of Means and Ends:
8. The morality of a means depends upon whether the means is being employed at a time of imminent defeat or imminent victory.
Sound like someone we know?

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