Greetings citizens of Planet Earth.
I apologize for my extended absence, but a man gotta make a dolla, yo! During my sabbatical I have pondered with great consternation the larger meaning of life. And through my superior powers of logic, objectivity, meditation, reflection and study, I have have determined that the greater meaning is of lizards and a terrified human.
Laugh if you must. . .and you will. But remember what the great Sardiharma of Rabindranath once remarked, "Giveth man a moment and he will make a lifetime."
Couldn't be truer.
And some many centuries later, his great-great-great-great grandson, a wise and reasoned thinker said, "This here internet is da crunk, noamisayin?"
The spectacular glory and essence of life in 15 seconds.
Dino Bytes
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