Breaking News
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Info Post

Iowahawk (funniest site in the web, but only updated infrequently - unlike The Big Feed) goes all scientific on us and does a detailed statistical analysis on the temperature data certain lying Gorebal Worming scientists have allowed to run loose in the world. It shows a "hockey stick" from 1981 on, but leaves several huge questions: How does this correlate with proxy data from '81 on (testing the accuracy of earlier proxy data)? Are there any changes in stations reporting from 1981 on that could account for the strainge upward curve? How are these purported changes in U.S. temperatures translatable to the rest of the planet? And, most important of all, why should we trust this data released by Mann, Jones, Briffa, et al?

They've certainly show no openness to releasing raw data up to now. I doubt I'm alone in wanting an independent, corruption-free open inquiry to lay out all the TRUE, REPRODUCIBLE, science for the whole world to judge. Without that, it's all political rent-seeking.


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