Breaking News
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Info Post
Just when you thought the Obama administration couldn't get any worse, up pops another left-wing, freedom-hating, libtard feather in Obama's cap.

Introducing Robert Creamer.

Mr. Creamer is the husband of liberal toejam Jan Schakowsky (Dumbass-IL), but more importantly, he is a crook. A tried and true criminal. His offense? Oh, no biggie really, just $2,000,000 in bad checks and $50,000 in tax evasion while he was head of the Illinois Public Action Council, a consumer advocacy group.

Besides the tax evasion, his main crime was of check-kiting, which is writing checks on accounts with insufficient funds while shifting money around to keep the float going to prevent the checks from bouncing. All the while maintaining his fat cat salary of $100,000 per year and making no budgetary cuts to his foundation to remain solvent. Seems that's a genetic thing for Democrats. Never seen a dollar they couldn't spend.

Even in the face of FBI questioning, he continued his crime spree until he was finally arrested, tried and sentenced to an extremely lenient prison term of 5 months in the pen. His excuse to the court was he broke the law so he could keep fighting for the causes he believed in. It only gets worse for us "little people" because this a-hole spent his time writing a fine radical manifesto while in prison called Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win.

According to Joel Pollack at, this book is simply the Democrats and Barack Obama's game plan to design, build and implement universal health care in the United States and as Glenn Beck pointed out yesterday, some of the language and dialogue Obama used in campaigning and later as our dear leader, is nearly word for word from Creamer's book.

Think it can't get any smellier? Well, guess who served as a campaign adviser for Mayor Daley and Governor Blago? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Yes, Robert Creamer. In Chicago, the only thing thicker than blood are the politics that bind these people together.

And lastly, guess who was on the invited list at Obama's soiree the other night, at which the BIG NEWS was some brainless bimbo and her flat-broke husband crashing the party? Yes, you guessed it, Robert Creamer. Gold stars and government cheese for everyone!

So, let's review.

Van Jones: Marxist radical nut and 9/11 truther? Check.
Lisa Jackson: Climate nutter says CO2 is a health hazard? Check.
Timothy Geithner: Tax cheat in charge of all of our money? Check.
Kevin Jennings: Safe-Schools czar aka Mr. "Fist Kits?" Check.
John Holdren: Science czar and advocate of chemical sterilization through water supply? Check.
Carol Browner: Global Warming czar and socialist? Check.
David Hayes: California water czar? wut? WTF? We have water elsewhere don't we?
Jeffery Zients: Government Performance czar? Yeah, good luck with that!

Ok, Zients seems like a straight up guy, but hanging with a group like that, it won't be long before he is converted.

The above is obviously only a partial list of the radicals that Obama surrounds himself with and doesn't even begin to touch the breadth or depth of the radicalism from which Obama was spawned. Think Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, ACORN, Chicago New Party and the Chicago DSA among others. These are dire times for us and the inmates are definitely in charge of the asylum.

We have important elections coming soon and it is imperative that we start knocking some of these leftist nutballs out of Congress. This is our only hope in an effort to balance ourselves against the Red Tide of Obama's over-reaching policy decisions. Obi-Wan isn't our only hope, we are.

And lastly, a singular sentence from criminal Creamer's book sums up the situation quite sufficiently: “To win we must not just generate understanding, but emotion—fear, revulsion, anger, disgust.”

Indeed America, indeed. Feel the fear.


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