Breaking News
Monday, December 7, 2009

Info Post
Regardless of why he received a beating, this man deserves this, and many more. The headline on Drudge read (the headline has since been removed from Drudge):
OJ Simpson beaten in prison, race incident, currently in hospital, sources claim... NATIONAL ENQUIRER to report details later in week... Developing...
This report, from last July, claims OJ was terrified that his cellmate would murder him:
O.J. Simpson is scared to death his prison cellmate is plotting to kill him, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively.In a fit of panic, the fallen football star — who’s serving 9 to 33 years at Nevada’s Lovelock Correctional Center — called a close friend, shouting that the inmate sharing his cell wants to strangle him.
“I’ve never known O.J. to be so scared,” the friend told The ENQUIRER. “He’s terrified of his cellmate. O.J. says the guy is a murderer and a rapist, and he can’t believe prison officials have put such a man in with him.“The guy in O.J.’s cell has been there for months. O.J. says he has become increasingly menacing.”O.J. says his cellmate glares at him most of the day. He told his close friend he fears bedtime because “he’s told me he is going to strangle me in my sleep the first chance he gets.”
Here is one of the latest reports on what OJ has been up to since being imprisoned:

It seems that jail time is doing OJ Simpson a world of good. He seems to have turned a new leaf and is spending time preaching racial harmony and lapping up pulp fiction and pro wrestling on TV.OJ is housed in Nevada’s Lovelock Correctional Center since 11 months and seems to be living it up. He works out everyday and has lost lots of weight in addition to being in great shape. This is one of the main benefits of not going out and partying which he used to do earlier.
Great shape and racial harmony? I guess not.
Corrections officials previously said he had been working as a gym janitor while serving a sentence for nine to 33 years for kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon in the gunpoint robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in a Las Vegas hotel room in September 2007.
UPDATE: Sources at the prison are denying this report. A pity.


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