"“ The graves are holding remnants of children from both Chamchamal and Garmyan areas ”. Sayd Fazil Amin the head of KRG martyrs office...
One More Reminder
Fox News Snookered by Weather Scientists
Was anyone else glued to the boob tube today waiting to see the terrible wave bearing down on Hawaii? The scientists had it timed down to t...
A Spot of Saturday Music
Has a kind of Beatles feel to it...
Christian gets Life Sentence for Hurting Muslims' Religious Feelings
"Qamar David, a Christian in the dock on charges of blasphemy, was sentenced to life imprisonment . The basis of the ruling, issued on ...
Castro Brothers Trade Slave Doctors for Oil
"But in 2003, Castro went big, and shipped 20,000 doctors and nurses to Venezuela's jungles and slums to treat the poor, doing the ...
Time To Get Back To Your Roots
Steve Martin will bring his banjo skills to MerleFest this year. Martin, who released his first album ever this year, will perform on the W...
Poll Time!
Who is nastier? Muammar Qaddafi Blobfish other: Ja...
Something stinks in New York and it ain't the Hudson River. New York Governor David Paterson announced today that he will not be seekin...
Libya's Gaddafi Urges Jihad Against Switzerland
"Any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate, is against (the Prophet) Mohammad, God and the Koran,...
Trash Talking with the Taliban
Pretty lame trash talk. I came across the astonishing facet of the Afghan War while spending time with the 302nd kandak, or battalion, of t...
Video Rodeo #1
Lets see how long you can "ride the bull" on this one. I made it to 1:57. That's right, I'm posting a video I haven'...
Mole Covered Skank Live Tweets Her Abortion
As her twitter followers cheered her on. How does that go? "Yeah! Kill! Kill! Kill!". Sick bitch. Read.
The Stuff You Find on the Internet
Summary: Old white guy was going to Frisco to get some weed, drunk black guy flipped him some lip on the AC transit and then took a swing a...
It's Been Way too Long Since We Had Some Music on this Blog
This song was co-written by Obama, Pelosi, and Harry Reid...
FBI Raids Toyota's Suppliers
"The FBI is confirming raids at the offices of three Michigan auto suppliers who do work for Toyota. Search warrants were served Tuesda...
The Short Straw
Sure is quiet around here today. I guess our real jobs get in the way of our fake jobs from time to time. Anyway, how y'all doin' ...
New Missile Defense Logo Looks Like Hope and Change Mixed with an Islamic Crescent
They just can't help themselves... Read more at the Washington Times
Don't fear the reaper. . .and don't choke on the rhombus.
Obama's Gonna "Axe" the Question
Harry Reid...No negro dialect?
Low Riding
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but for this one I am speechless. This character was riding his bicycle right down the middle...
Internal Toyota Documents Hint at Obama's Socialism
Even the Japanese know an out of control commie when they see one. Internal Toyota documents derided the Obama administration and Democrat...
Lockerbie Bomber Living in Luxury
...instead of dying, as we were led to expect. " The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing is living with his family in a luxury villa...
I've Never Watched a Movie Twice In My Life
Except Top Gun And Forrest Gump. But this commercial here, This commecial! I watch twice a day as mandatory humor. It gets funnier every tim...
Obama Must Ignore Hamid Karzai
Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai is criticizing NATO troops for causing civilian deaths. Civilian deaths are a tragedy in war, but...
If There is One Photo That Sums Up Obama, and Everything He is About, It's This One
Incredible photo from Getty. It shows the Dalai Lama being shown the back door at the White House. Exiting through the garbage. Here'...
Where You at Al Sharpton?
Anyone heard from Al? Durham police late Wednesday arrested the woman who four years ago falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse pl...
Michelle Obama Stocks White House Library with Books on Socialism
True story. From Say Anything: Now, according out the person who guided our tour, the library is stock with books picked out by the First ...
Taliban Using Human Shields
"MARJAH, Afghanistan – Taliban fighters holding out in Marjah are increasingly using civilians as human shields, firing from compounds ...
I'm Just Sayin'
The resemblance is striking. . .
Sweet Soul Cookin' with Shonna Tucker
She so nasty...
What The Frick Is Wrong With This State
Massachusetts turns Red and North Kakalaki does someting every other day to become the new (and unwanted or needed) Massachusetts. Now the ...
Crazy Looking Woman Who Shot Up the College is an Obamaton
You only had to look at her picture to know that she was just bubbling with hope and change. “She was an oddball - just not very sociable,...
We May Need to Stop Calling Them Tree Huggers
They're taking it up a notch. Man jailed for trying to hump a tree. A MAN who was banned from a park after it was alleged he tried to...
No Global Warming Since 1995
World governments have placed power grab in the hands if this guy? The academic at the centre of the ‘Climategate’ affair, whose raw data is...
Progressives and the Growing Dependency Agenda
George Will shines his spotlight on the greatest danger facing our country. "For congressional Democrats, however, expanding dependency...
Obama: Take No Prisoners - No Place to Hold 'em
"When a window of opportunity opened to strike the leader of al-Qaeda in East Africa last September, U.S. Special Operations forces pre...
A Job Can't be Done Without the Right Tool
Tired from shoveling your driveway & sidewalk? Or just tired of hearing the missus complain 'cause you tricked her into it? Real m...
The Taliban Rape Tapes
I was debating whether to even speak about this. I decided I should. As disgusting as it is, I think the more people who know about this, ...
Olympic Games Interfere with Socialized Medicine
" A 35-year-old Ladner, B.C., woman with end-stage liver disease says she and her doctors have been desperately trying for weeks to sch...
The End Is Near
OMF'NG! It's snowing in Mississippi! Ahhhhhhh!!!
Obama Expressed Marxist Views in College
I know you're absolutely shocked. A man who knew Obama in college sheds some light on Obama's mysterious college years. This is a ...
American Contrarian
American Contrarian - answer to the Liberal film American Centurion by Josh Sugarman Part 1 Part 2
What's Wrong with America?
This, among other things, is what's wrong with America. These people vote. And you can take that any way you want. I give a damn.
The Hobo
The Hobo has all but disappeared from America. The ways things are going, I'll bet they make a comeback.
I'm Just Sayin
Tell It To The Hand
Everybody seems to have a problem with Sarah Palin writing notes on her hand ...
The New Military I'll Never Understand
As a six year Vet, I'm just mofoing perplexed. From the article: U.S. and Afghan forces ringed the taliban stronghold of Marjah on Thur...
Gibbs Explains How Iraq is One of Obama's Greatest Achievements
Sure. Just run it up the flagpole and see who salutes. Have I ever mentioned we're doomed? Just for old times. Here's Obama ...
Alec Baldwin Rushed to Hospital - "Fat Little Pig" Called 911
A pill scare? "30 Rock" star Alec Baldwin was rushed to a Manhattan hospital overnight after a caller believed to be his daugh...
Soft Power Rules!
How's that "Iran is a small country and not a threat" thing workin' out for ya Hopey? Today at a massive demonstration, Ir...
Iranians Love Obama
A scene from today's celebration in Iran, marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.
CNN Analyst: "It's time for Obama to go Gangsta on the Republicans"
First. I don't think this guy or CNN should be referring to him or himself as an "analyst". Second, what does he mean? Serio...
The Iranian Punch - A Nuclear State
A Nuclear State"The Iranian nation, with its unity and God's grace, will punch the arrogance (Western powers) on the 22nd of Bahma...
Goodbye Miss America (a hippie's got his finger on the button)
Tune in, Turn on, and rock out...
Frozen Wasteland
A marvelous music video from Minnesotans for Global Warming
Which is it? - Global Warming Causes More Snow vs. Global Warming Causes Less Snow
Two videos that demonstrate the left's willingness to lie through their teeth to scare you. Someone's lying. Is it the more snow c...
Report: John Edwards Has Proposed to Mistress
You know, the one he never slept with, the one whose child he did not father. This is nothing but a lame attempt to keep that rumored sex t...
Crib Notes Technology Cost Analysis
I saw this over at Zombie. Too good not to share. Barack Obama and Sarah Palin each have their own unique crib notes technology. The two d...
Muslim "Chaplain" Who Tried to Smuggle Razors into Prison Not Charged by Grand Jury
First, enough with calling this guy a "chaplain". He's an Imam. And an ex-con. A Manhattan grand jury voted Tuesday not to ...
Choo Choo!
I love trains. They are fascinating machines; loud and lumbering giants; whirligigs of fantastic motion and noise that represent the ingenu...
You Do Not Want To Marry Her
Sharia Court Annuls Marriage After Husband Finds Out that Burqa Wearing Wife is Cross-Eyed and Has a Beard
That's what you get when you go messing with Sasquatch. An Arabic country's ambassador to Dubai has had his marriage contract annu...
Lap Dances for Haiti
I think it's more interesting that the club manager's name is Soprano. Bada Bing! Scantily clad dancers were the draw at a downtown...
80% of Wind Power Jobs Going to Foreign Companies
Smartest administration ever. Nearly $2 billion in money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been spent on wind power, fundi...
If You Think We're Done with Laughing Midgets...
well...you think wrong.
Giant Killers
A film made by the U.S. Elco boat company during World War 2.
Framing is Crucial
Two very different captions for the same scene - it all depends on who writes the caption. Reuters describes it as an Israeli cop struggli...
Senator Jim DeMint Twittered Me
He's a funny fella.
Why Does Robert Gibbs Hate Camels?
Strange video of Press Secretary Robert Gibbs mocking and berating a camel? I'm sure there's some sort of symbolism going on here. ...
Liberal Compassion
You can't say the good folks in San Francisco aren't pitching in to help. h/t sondrak
Miss Me Yet? - Bush Billboard Goes Up in Minnesota
We're going to have so much fun the next three years. 'Miss Me Yet?' Billboard With Photo of George Bush is Real by burghn...
North Carolina Town Bans Guns and Booze...Because of Snow
No word if school was canceled... Residents in King were fumed over the weekend after a state of emergency declaration restricted the sale...
Obama Adminstration's Climate Change Face to Face Cancelled Due to Blizzard
Doesn't mean they still won't tell you that the earth is becoming an inferno. This just means that they have to find someone to cle...
There's an Ass for That
There's an Ass for just about everything...
Southern Culture # 6
So just what did they throw off the Tallahatchie bridge? And why did Billie Joe kill himself? The Tallahatchie bridge before its c...
Tim Tebow Controversy Highlights an Incovenient Truth
Everybody's all wee-weed up about Pam Tebow not killing her son when she had the chance. They refuse to look at those countries where a...
A Plan to Repair Our Economy
A tax return that fits on a postcard, a re-organization of entitlements, and tax credits for portable health insurance; these are all part o...
Ancient Swiss Army Knife Found
A folding knife with a spoon, fork, spatula, spike, and toothpick: made in Switzerland, right? Nope. Made in Rome; 1800 years ago.
South Carolina Now Requiring "Subversives" to Register
$5 to overthrow the government. That's a bargain considering how much we have to pay to keep the government running. No folks. This i...