Sure is quiet around here today. I guess our real jobs get in the way of our fake jobs from time to time. Anyway, how y'all doin' out there Sea Kittens?
Since this blog is "the best source on the internet for news about Islamic rat people, hot dogs, and pole dancers" and I already touched on the whacko liberal assault against hot dogs yesterday, I give you some pole dancing information. Although, it's a very short pole.
Apparently, Rihanna had a birthday party thrown by Los Angeles Dodgers outfield Matt Kemp and Mr. Kemp, being the classy and stylish kind of guy he is spared no expense for the young songstress. He invited tons of her friends, bought a beautiful birthday cake decorated with copies of Rihanna's tattoos and lastly, for the entertainment portion of the celebration, a female stripper of teh midget variety.
Yes dear readers, class is spelled with a capital K, especially for over-paid, over-worshipped icons of the entertainment industry. And people wonder why Rihanna got the crap beat out of her last year by whats-his-face. You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Such a pity for such a young, talented(?) woman.
Now remember, before you click through to the evidence, you cannot un-see something you've seen. It'll be filed away forever in your memory and can occasionally hurl itself back into your consciousness at any given moment. Like maybe, when you are choking to death on a hot dog.
The Short Straw
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