"Qamar David, a Christian in the dock on charges of blasphemy, was sentenced to life imprisonment. The basis of the ruling, issued on Feb. 25, the fact that the man "hurt the religious feelings" of Muslims; however, the co-defendant was acquitted for lack of evidence. The police had arrested the man in 2006, although there was no evidence against him."
I believe Mr. David meets the criteria of a Christian martyr. The U.S. government can't choose religious sides, but American Christians can. I, for one, will buy no more cheap Pakistani knives or swords.
How many of our tax dollars go the Pokeestahn every year? How long have we been propping up that Taleban-loving, America-hating government? Why has no one in the main-stream media investigated Obama's time in Pakistan (traveling with his Pakistani roommate) using an Indonesian passport?
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