We here at The Big Feed proclaim that this is the best source on the internet for news about Islamic rat people, hot dogs, and pole dancers....

We here at The Big Feed proclaim that this is the best source on the internet for news about Islamic rat people, hot dogs, and pole dancers....
Squeal like a pig America.
Barack Hussein has sent his troops to battle... At least seven people, including some from Michigan, have been arrested in raids by a FBI-le...
A Star Wars Pop Up Book. Him am smart.
It is at it could only be. A major failure. A waste of billions of dollars. Anyone surprised? After a year of crippling delays, Presid...
Live free or die!
The Captain loves him some New York.
I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Or not. A UW-Milwaukee student was arrested after throw...
Thugs in chief. This is really quite astounding if you think about it. From Ace: This past week several big companies, including Caterpi...
Not the knife, the baseball bat or the billy club, but the rolling pin.
Watch. Just watch.
Grab your favorite adult beverage, consume in moderation, relax, and listen. I can't guarantee things are going to get better. But I c...
I guess almost everyone is inspired by Obamacare. State police have charged a central Pennsylvania man with public drunkenness after he was...
They did. They lied. Farm-equipment manufacturer John Deere "said it expects its expenses to rise by around $150 million on an after-t...
My apologies for my absence (for those who have noticed). Was working towards a promotion. Got the job - only, it's in addition to my ...
Down at the Sunset INN! And the dogs are waving their tails like its a game.
He got an ass whoopin' instead. Warning. Butt crack content and foul language. The best part is that the lady behind the counter is s...
He was fighting childhood obesity. Isn't that Michelle Obama's job? A foot soldier in the fight I guess. Visit msnbc.com...
Stones in a small bar. Does it get better? Nope. This is the kinda stuff that makes me want to run through the streets punching communists...
I rode for 2:11. Can you beat that? Well can ya, Tex?
Figure it out for yourself. . . Ben Bernanke/Colobus Monkey Walking Human But...
Someone has some serious BBQ going in the background.
I suppose if the government can use my tax money to kill babies, they can use my tax money to create this. The latest creation of GM (Gover...
This billboard popped up in Ennis, Texas. It's just a matter of time before one of these pops up featuring Joseph Stalin.
If you can find a better video that illustrates the will of the people and the democrats response, I'd like to see it.
It's damn shame that American ingenuity has been reduced to creating this...The mobile homeless shelter. It weighs 225lbs and comes wit...
It's our birthday. And I'm ringing this sumbitch in the same way we started it. Ante Up. There's a revolution coming!
Here's a picture of a cackling Nancy Pelosi celebrating the signing of the Obamacare bill, and with it, the destruction of America. And...
Illegal immigrants marched against America on Sunday, March 21. They were told not to bring anything but American flags, as organizers were ...
And that's exactly what he's doing. Anyone think this transfer of wealth is going to help them get a job? Anyone? President Bara...
The great thing...We just passed a bill that will give these asswipes the same health insurance we have. Even better...We get to pay for it...
Senator John Boehner speaks for the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Yay! We get more free stuff! Obama gonna pay my doctor bills. Actually, he won't, some working stiff will. Thank you working stiff. ...
Jobs? We don't need no stinking jobs. Swedish glass maker Orrefors Kosta Boda has landed a $5.4 million contract to supply fine cryst...
They won't stop until there is nothing left to enjoy The campaign, launched by Greenpeace International, warns that such popular choco...
He was never going to vote no. He was just lying.
The plain language: Section 310(g): Social Security and Reconciliation Prohibits consideration of reconciliation legislation that contains ...
Just some of the things that are still in Obama's healthcare bill. Before the Congressman was cut off.
Very interesting vid. For the time challenged you can skip to the 1:30 mark. If your poor or white, or asian forget about it. You have to b...
An explanation of the process Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are using to take away your healthcare.
This ain't your daddy's America. Not even close. Hope and changelings are running things now. Fuck you Alcee Hastings!
To put it more accurately, how much are we willing to sacrifice the lives of future generations? And is it even sustainable? Michell ...
While Obama is making his NCAA tournament picks, he misspells Syracuse. Millions out of work. And this dipshit has a job.
An interesting series that ran on the history channel a while back. You can view all five parts here.
Been so busy with work, I haven't been able to share with friends... So please accept one of Rock & Roll's best songs for a Frid...
Well for us East coasters who shuck out of work early at least.... And now, a hot asian girl posing to Rolling Stones! (NSFW!) You're we...
While president Hopey spends 100% of his waking hours on this health care debacle, Russia looks to sneak into the Gulf of Mexico and suck al...
Hopey's first big decision comes back to haunt him for the 100th time in a year.
The endless banter, the self-absorbed complaining it sounds like Seinfeld, but with our liberal leaders, its just another day of the politic...
And the crowd goes wild. So at this rate, employers will be paying us to get health insurance? Sign me up. Do math much dumbass?
if you like it so much, then you live there. You can add Sean Penn to the long list of people who have been called out by Ozzie Guillen. Th...
Coke heads? And all this time I thought it was the meth heads. Cocaine users were last night accused of helping to make global warming wor...
A capitalist Obama would be a better thing...
God I want to groove tonight.... Groove like a mofo. I'm talking six Zima's and a shot of brandy, groovin'! Look at these two ...
Yeah America... be proud. One of the most historic buildings this country has to offer is getting ripped apart so young crack heads can hav...
Startin' Friday early - vintage Alice Cooper.
that Howdy isn't the first one at the party. Who's ready for another early weekend? WARNING: NSFW, Must Be 18 or over. We gots pole ...
Ok so this whole "posse" thing is fascinating to me. Looks like they've come to DC, ropes and six guns a-ready. And when they...
Alternate Title: Muff Driving I've seen this sensational story around the internet for a few days now, but Big Brain from Ubon's Wo...
Saw this on Red Eye last night. No I don't stay up until 3 AM. I DVR it. Great show. I suggest all Big Feed viewers DVR this show if you...
Will you?
Man, when you think the whole Healthcare situation cannot get any worse, out pops Mother-May-I, Zombie-in-Chief Nancy Pelosi with a statemen...
Cory Haim will not be down for breakfast.... Dead at 38. (Career dead long before) * Photo from my private collection.
Just when you think the ultra-left, America-hating, rooty-tooty fresh and fruity liberals couldn't lean any further left all it takes is...
It's been such a cold winter that a day like today (in the 50's in NYC) gets me pumped up for the beach and some refreshments. Then ...
. . .in another woman's crime . Yes folks, in the age of the internet, when no secret is sacred and any and all "news" is ins...
Well, since you chaps are feeling all musical as you lust for the weekend on a dastardly and rainy Tuesday, here is my contribution to the m...
Three villages were attacked by blade-wielding Muslims. The Muslims in those villages were warned to leave days before by text messages. ...
It is inside my little space on the Big Feed. Ah, Rock and Roll... how I miss ye....
Palestinian "youths" throw cinder blocks on people worshiping at the Wailing Wall, and claim it's all Israel's fault. ...
We take ice for granted in this age of refrigeration. In prior times, ice was unknown outside of northern climes, right? Not so. Yankee i...
Interesting little tribute on Lynyrd Skynyrd. " From the Youtube description: "In 1977 before the movie "Grease" played ...
Have a great weekend people! Let's kick off this mutha farker the Ali Blah Blah way, beeotches!!! YEAH!
....as earths fever gets worse! Well... No. Not really. Quite the opposite. Rather than overheat, these ships got stuck in the overwhelming ...
and let's get this weekend started right. Staged performance, I know, but we ain't watching we're listening as background music ...
These toys the ATF will stop. But where were they during the Cabbage Patch Kids craze? A local business owner is flabbergasted after a shi...
I've been saying this for two years now...
Yeah, popped a cap in his ass . "The leader of a Chinese terrorist group who serves on al Qaeda's top council may have been killed ...
and one of the most memorable album covers ever. Is the waitress supposed to be the Statue Of Liberty?
And think about this...
Now available for long term storage... The tunnels, which are thought to have been created over five to seven years, were carved into sheer ...
Via: Sully the Urban Hillbilly
With expected results ... Via Mitchieville
I love to find the young who see the light. Gives me hope. To carry on. You light up my li.... Ehem. Anyway.... Dude probably has his o...
How many times a day do you think the Orbitz guy gets beat up for being mistaken for Keith Olbermann?
Phil Jones, head of climate science at East Anglia University, cannot be prosecuted because the statute of limitations has passed for Freedo...
Last week we had a simple poll which asked who was nastier, Muammar Ghaddafi or the lowly Blobfish. And in the "other" category I...