While president Hopey spends 100% of his waking hours on this health care debacle, Russia looks to sneak into the Gulf of Mexico and suck all the nearby oil out of our back pockets. This unicorn dreaming president of ours doesn't think that really matters. We are going green. It'll be a whole new economy and we'll be the leaders in it! What a dangerous president we've got. Has there ever been a country more suicidal than us? What country has had such vast natural resources yet refused to tap them? I thought the main reason we are to go green is so we wouldn't have to rely on dangerous foreign sources and transfer our wealth to them. Drilling our own oil now gives us this benefit and it buys time for someone to come up with something better. On that front, I don't think we are even close to something as cost effective as drilling a hole in the ground and sucking up a flammable liquid. Wind? Solar? Yeah OK... Please. Nuclear is a great way to start but Hopey isn't really serious about that. We all know this.
Russia, sad as it is to say this, knows better:
The Obama administration, however, views energy policy through green eyeshades. Every aspect of its approach to energy is subordinated to radical environmental concerns. This unprecedented lack of balance is placing offshore oil resources off-limits. The O Force would prefer the country shift its energy production to alternative sources, such as nuclear, solar and wind power. In theory, there's nothing wrong with that, in the long run, assuming technology can catch up to demand. But we have not yet reached the green utopia, we won't get there anytime soon, and America needs more oil now.
Russia more sensibly views energy primarily as a strategic resource. Energy is critical to Russia's economy, as fuel and as a source of profit through export. Russia also has used energy as a coercive diplomatic tool, shutting off natural gas piped to Eastern Europe in the middle of winter to make a point about how dependent the countries are that do business with the Russians.
Russia knows better

This man is making me ill
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