I love you all.
Hats off to Ali Blah Blah for finding this. It never gets old.
The portable deep fat fryer...
Some commentary about Obama's "mongrel" statement on the view.
Live! It only comes around once a week.
Looks like we're in danger of losing two wars at the same time. Where the frick is Reagan when you need him. Schwarzenegger could get th...
Government subsidizes cell phones. It's better than free cheese.
Showin' the way here at a press conference. That's right. In the near future, monkey's will run on their own piss. Soon after he...
Oh snap!
One of my favorite bands keeps daring me to be an ex-fan with their political bullsh*t. The Drive By Truckers are easily one of the best ban...
Is this "smart power"? When US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered Islamabad help last week in exporting mangoes to the U...
Yesterday I received an email criticizing my journalistic integrity. Specifically, criticizing the running of a particular story that has n...
I have no earthly idea what's going on here.
If true, this would be nothing short of an invasion of American soil. News blackouts are also reported. The bloodbath continues along our ...
Things are absolutely horrible there. I have an ueber liberal friend who once told me that all the Gazans needed were nicer amenities, be...
This would be even more funny if it were not so tragic. A Saudi man has been chained in a basement apartment for more than six years becaus...
A North Korean soldier looks in through the window of the T2 building as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert ...
No...Not really...I just need the hits and love watching the search engine results go wild with moochers and poor people. So...no free phone...
These days, I often find myself thinking about moving to another country.
Shut the hell up you gigantic retard! State elections officials Wednesday narrowly rejected a Milwaukee Assembly candidate's attempt to ...
how much electronic football sucked. Yet it survives in my Mom's basement. But my Evel Knievel? Missing in action.
Fed up with the prolific overuse of the race card, I asked my liberal friend to do me a favor. I asked him to write down what issues and pe...
Dumbass... A career fraudster was sent to the slammer for nearly 24 years after giving a White Plains federal judge phony photos of himself...
In a sane world, once upon a time in America, this would be an absolute bombshell. In this world, however, we will be fortunate if 10 peopl...
Do you suppose we'll get a thank you card from POK-E-STAN? This is bullshit of a magnitude I can hardly tolerate. Time, place and purp...
"Racist "Brown Berets" invade a peaceful, pro-Arizona crowd rallying in front of the All-Star Game in Anaheim, July 13, 2010....
The best part of waking up, is civet cat shit in your cup... Indonesia's top Islamic body declared Tuesday that Muslims can drink civet ...
Except for rare instances involving extreme medical complications or rape, I completely object to the practice of hyphenation. And that goe...
Imagine how bad this man's dinner must have been to cause him to react as he did. This video is from 1930. Super-freak!
h/t Blonde Sagacity
I know the headline reads funny. But damnit, that's what really happened.
These two videos provide proof of the racist core of the NAACP. Check them out here at Big Government.
Ahhh... Minnesota: A man in the country illegally who committed a $27,000 identity-theft crime in Scott County was able to obtain tens of th...
Don't you just know how this is going to end? h/t IOTW
He does. Seriously. Check it out here.
I thought this would be interesting. Sports in 1911: Football Baseball Basketball
Gladys Knight and the Pips. As opposed to Lady Gaga and all the other auto tune artists out there without an ounce of originality. I'm...
A farmer sent this message...by using his plow
"Hidden Cameras on the Arizona Border 2: Drugs, Guns, and 850 Illegal Aliens" is the Center for Immigration Studies' second we...
The black sheep of the family. The 73-year-old great grandson of Alexander Graham Bell was sentenced Friday to life in prison without parole...
This is a real product. On sale now.
Is the Taliban training monkeys for combat? Or is this just a new dating service? According to this Chinese media story, monkeys can now o...
What happens when kids don't take their ritalin?
This is just hilarious. Off the chart hilarious. From Newsbusters: TUCKER CARLSON, DAILY CALLER: The opportunity to acquire KeithOlbermann...
So says Rakim...from Oakland.
If you're not familiar with what Farmville is...
I guess I could see the use for this thing on a very small level. But I'm one of those that think that rotary aircraft in the military ...
The Turds of Misery h/t Giant Girls
And she didn't just misspeak. She really thinks that. Listen to her babble on and on about it. My God. And to think that between her...
Some kind of Chaka fashion. From Moonbattery: Look what the Bitter Half chose to wear to a northwest Florida beach menaced by the oil spill ...
The latest from Hardee's / Carl's Jr.
I like to help those I can. So I offer this video. Get back with me and let me know if it helped.
Barack Hussein Obama is a dangerous man. Ask yourself, can he be this stupid? It's not possible. So then, what is he up to? Preachin...
I found this at Notoriously Conservative. It made me laugh.
Alvin Greene is the Democrats' nominee in the 2010 United States Senate election in South Carolina. Greene faces incumbent Republican...
Megyn Kelly hammers left-wing pundit Kirsten Powers over the Black Panther voter intimidation case.
More news concerning "the whoreacle". But that was always a caricature; Gore was also sarcastic, droll, and fully capable of playi...
Cheerwine + Krispy Kreme = Krazy Delicious.
A funny thing happened on the way to freedom...Tyranny! Read this report at RedState.
If a tree falls, and no one is around...yeah...Okay...Does anyone even go to the forest anymore?
But hey, no worries that the Mexican drug culture could make its way to America. We do such a great job of making sure we know exactly who i...
I have no idea what this man is talking about, but he seems to have a problem with ass struttin' and Bill Clinton.
What class we have in the White House. These people are running your lives. How do you feel about that? In a profile, the New York Times ...
The rules of engagment need to be changed ASAP. Fire at will! First responders from the Alton Fire Department and five officers from the Alt...
It's like Super Whacky Muslim Fun Time turned upside down. But now council staff have covered 250 windows with dark-tinted film followin...
Happy Birthday America!
The evidence: Our government is being run by people with brain damage. Hug your kids tonight. tell them you love them. It's going to get...
You rock now...
This is gonna get real dirty. Ima not need BP to cause this spill. And aint no one gonna be able to clean it up. Ali all kinds of crazy toda...
I thought I'd bust this out before Ali posts another Asian doing a terrible Rolling Stones cover. These guys got some guitar chops. Yeah...