Real Simple. Every seven years when Halloween falls on a Sunday night, we have chaos. I had over 130 tricksters on Saturday night and expect...

Real Simple. Every seven years when Halloween falls on a Sunday night, we have chaos. I had over 130 tricksters on Saturday night and expect...
Is it safe for work? Yeah. I think so.
There is no question in my mind that the irrational contrary views of many stem from behavioral deficiencies. We've know these people a...
Shocking...I know: France’s announcement came a day after the release of a tape with a message believed to be from Osama Bin Laden, who thr...
Or is it just one of these?
Sure. Why not? This short film is about a piece of footage I (George Clarke) found behind the scenes in Charlie Chaplins film 'The Circ...
I don't make these things up. I don't have to. Recently, Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore toured again. Or maybe he does that all t...
I put in a new comments widget. Yay? Nay? We'll see how it goes. I've never been too fond of the standard comments format.
I guess I really didn't need "Mohammed" being the most popular name in England to point out they're screwed. I think the f...
MATTHEWS: And this is the kind of stuff I said the other night probably, I’ll say it again, the kind of stuff we saw from hoodlums in the t...
That Allah is an idiot. If he is the creator of the heavens and the Earth, man and woman and all things in between, why is this a-hole admi...
After all of the ugliness today on the blog, allow me to save us from ourselves. Below is arguably one of the most beautiful women God ever...
After seeing the heinous display of Obama in Palin hair, glasses and lipstick, I had to find something equally as vile. And why? Well, why...
"If ya can't beat 'em....!"
Sometimes politics pisses me off to such degree that I resort to damaging my body with hard liquor and shooting inanimate objects with large...
Nothing like a little slimy Chicago way politics to brighten one's morning. From IBD: You can call it a tragedy of errors, a perfect sto...
This, more than anything, signifies the downfall of America. The fact that "those people" can be so brazen in their disrespect fo...
"Taliban hangs seven year old boy accused of being a spy" I just can't top that. Nice country you have there guys. Stolen with...
Oklahoma's number one fan... The state of Arizona executed convicted killer Jeffrey Landrigan late Tuesday after the U.S. Supreme Court ...
Have you been reading about all the electronic voting machines defaulting to the dems lately? First of all, when did all this early voting ...
Look at this juvenile attack ad making the rounds. Just look at this moronic fantasy world they've dreamed up if repubs take the house b...
Just look at these people.
This video claims to show New Jersey Union Teachers call black students n*****, talk about slandering Christie, say they want to "f*** ...
Just look at this. How is this not being run by Meg Whitman 24/7? This old hippy with zero new ideas for government is actually ahead in t...
Or, you can believe what Keith Olbermann has to say about Obama: Another guest, Dr. John Drew, knew President Obama when he was a student at...
At least Obama thinks so... President Barack Hussein Obama, in a determination letter to Congress, has announced that he will allow an addit...
Or something like that. The latest in Taiwanese news animation. Speaking of Taiwanese. Did I ever tell ya about the cool name I came up wit...
You? Well here you go... Illegal Aliens Canvas for Democrats in Washington State
Is it robbing the cradle when you're still in the cradle yourself? Their engagement in Syria after a whirlwind holiday romance could set...
Barney Frank...Dancing Queen
Ya big dummy!!
After reading Captain Thurston's post about the Italian squatters in England who took over a man's home during his absence leaving h...
I think it would suck to come home and find your house taken over by free-loading Italians. From England: In the middle of completely refur...
When I was kid, the shoes you wore were very important. No, you didn't have to have the best pair of tennis shoes, but you damn sure ha...
Yosemite, Kentucky. Hardly a trace of it on the internet. Yosemite is an unincorporated rural community in eastern Casey County, Kentucky...
"Barry...You'll get your balls back when I get my cap and trade"
The terrorist actually cried... A former al-Qaeda member testified at a terrorism trial in New York that he left the group after it failed t...
I know there's something funny to made of this picture. But I'm shooting all blanks on this one.
I ran across this piece at the Washington Examiner. What’s more, the Environmental Protection Agency, in conjunction with the Corporation ...
. . .call the Waaaaambulance! I don't know about you folks, but I am sick of being painted as a racist because I participate in a grass...
h/t blogprof
I would like to thank Burnt Toast for carrying the flag in my absence. It is much appreciated. And I have a gift. Two daisies. Taken from...
The next game I become addicted to. Once I burnout on Red Dead Redemption. LA Noire
I really love this website.
Diane Denish, Democrat, and a candidate for New Mexico's governor, is thinking about "big fat boners". You're in good hand...
You gotta love this. In a debate expected to be dominated by top New York governor candidates Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino, Jimmy McMillan...
Barney Frank's Boyfriend Heckles GOP Opponent After Debate
Can you spot the illegal Alien?
Sorry I've been gone so long. It's football season here and I coach a team of 5th graders. I've never been much of a multi-tas...
General Norman Johnson, lead singer of the soul vocal trio Chairmen of the Board, died Wednesday at age 67. His group was best known for th...
Pull out those eight tracks, top off the tank on leaded fuel, crawl into your Stang and let the road trip begin.
I think the following song should be the theme music for Obama, the DNC, Nancy Girl and Harry Boy, et al. Too bad there isn't a song ab...
In light of the newly released Al Qaeda manifesto on "How to kill Americans" , I would like to introduce the American Way of killi...
I like stopping by Sully The Urban Hillbilly to read his latest insult to each and every country on Earth. I suggest you do too. A recent ...
Curiously, these kinds of things are ignored by the MSM. But, isn't that what were are used to? Sheep to the slaughter I say.
Since Allah and Mohammed both endorse violence on all form and fashion of creation, person, animal, plant, molecule, hot dog, peanut butter ...
Does anyone remember Obama's famous words or those of the unhinged left as they salivated over their new multi-cultural leader elected...
Our friends over at Weasel Zippers always find the neatest videos. This one is a quick demonstration of charcuterie in the old-fashioned...
I saw the following headline on the Drudge Report this morning, and man, we are definitely living in an upside down world these days: Al Qae...
Just got back from a wonderful 40th birthday vacation along the Texas Gulf Coast and my H-Town friends introduced me to the following. I th...
Seems we've suddenly got a race going in Massachusetts. While no one was watching, Barney Frank's poll numbers have gone down. First...