The European commission is backing away from its insistence on imposing a compulsory 10% quota of biofuels in all petrol and diesel by 2020, a central plank of its programme to lead the world in combating climate change.Full Story
Amid a worsening global food crisis exacerbated, say experts and critics, by the race to divert food or feed crops into biomass for the manufacture of vehicle fuel, and inundated by a flood of expert advice criticising the shift to renewable fuel, the commission appears to be getting cold feet about its biofuels target.
In March last year, European leaders sought to seize the global moral high ground by backing the commission's climate change package aimed at making Europe the world's first low-carbon economy. In January, the commission fleshed out the details of the measures, based on a carbon trading scheme which is to supply the bulk of the cuts in greenhouse gases.
But since then there has been a torrent of expert reports citing biofuels as part of the climate change problem.
No doubt this will enrage those scientists whose life has been devoted to advancing the biofuel industry by perpetuating the global warming hoax. It would appear that even EU lawmakers aren't so brave as to try and pimp the hoax to starving citizens. You have to question the legitimacy of a scientific community that, for years, preached biofuels as a solution to "global warming" and now, characterizes it as part of the problem. Of course, there are many questions as to the legitimacy of Big Science as it relates to the global warming hoax. It just that no one of any substance seems willing to ask those questions.
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