"I’m watching MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell is asking NBC correspondent Athena Jones why Obama chose now to finally, unequivocally, part ways with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. In her reporting wisdom, Jones is talking about how Wright offended Obama with his remarks yesterday at the National Press Club. I don’t think so.So the night before Obama, after 21 years, decides to throw Reverend Coo Coo Pants under the bus, someone is polling in North Carolina trying to measure public response to the Wright/Obama relationship. That's a good a place as any to start. Next, let us remember what Obama said about Wright not so long ago:
My guess is it had something to do with the poll call I got last night. All questions were about the Obama-Wright relationship and whether that made me think more unfavorably about Barack Obama. Then they asked if I was more inclined now to vote for Hillary since this blew up. Due respect to Athena, but she should do a little more reporting and actually ask Obama why he did what he did a few minutes ago.
I would put money on the fact that Obama saw the results of that snap poll and said, “My God, I’ve got to ditch this guy.”"
“I constantly remember Rev. Wright as the shepherd who guided me to my commitment to Christ one Sunday morning at Trinity. I often consider, as I work in the Senate how he lives his life-a life of service to Trinity, Chicago and the nation; his activism on behalf of causes that few would champion and his dogged commitment to the first principles of love for God and fellow man. And in my personal walk, I seek daily to imitate his faith."And you may remember a few weeks ago Obama, in his great race speech, had this to say about Wright (and remember, this was in response to the exact same type of comments that he now purports to be outraged by):
Barack Obama on Rev. Jeremiah Wright
His Father Figure & Mentor
February 5, 2007
5 Days Before He Announced His Candidacy
"I could no more disown him (Wright) as I could disown my white grandmother."Oh y'all remember grandma...

Granny was a nice lady...To nice to be under the bus. That's for sure. In any event, yesterday, Obama had this to say about the outrageous comments by Wright:
"I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday."To which, the Ace of Spades had these very insightful and, dare I say, prophetic comments:
"The person that I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago." "His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church."
"They certainly don’t portray accurately my values and beliefs,".
This time, the media will crow, he really has put this issue completely behind him.
Of course they said that last time, too, and six thousand times since then.
Claims that Wright's recent "performances" represent a "Change" from the man he'd known for 20 years. Doubles down claiming that he hasn't heard this stuff from Wright before.
Two words:
Bull. Fucking. Shit. This is not a man who is shy about revealing whatever is on his lunatic, racist mind. The idea that Barack didn't know is so preposterous as to make me physically angry.
Wait, Wait, Wait: Now that Wright threatens Obama's candidacy, are we not any longer supposed to look at his words "in context" and judge the man "according to his whole career and the good works he's done"?
That was the MSM's claims yesterday, when Obama was still trying to limp along with his Illinois Nazi buddy. Now that Obama himself has declared Wright a non-person, the MSM will, I imagine, suddenly decide he is as well, and of course the focus will be on Wright himself being an evil guy, not on Barack Obama for cultivating a twenty year political/personal/spiritual alliance with him.

Of course, we could go on and on. But is there really any need to?
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