With her deportation hearing still six months away, the controversial Kenyan aunt of President Obama has quietly resurfaced in public housing in South Boston, the Herald has learned.Oh yeah. About that violence in Africa mentioned in the above excerpt. The violence was in Kenya, specifically, and was due in large part to the militant actions of persons like Barack Obama's own cousin (at least Odinga claims to be Obama's cousin), communist Raila Odinga, whom Obama actually campaigned for in Kenya to help him get elected.
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Obama’s “Auntie Zeituni” Onyango, 57, told the Herald yesterday with a mischievous smile, wearing a string of pearls and a sleeveless forest-green sheath she said her nephew bought her years before he became leader of the free world.
“I’d like to live in a castle and have a limousine,” she said, “but I don’t. My wealth is my health.”
Zeituni Polly Onyango, the half-sister of Obama’s late father Barack Obama Sr., moved into a discreet apartment complex this past month while she waits to fight a Feb. 4, 2010, removal proceeding brought against her by the Department of Homeland Security in U.S. Immigration Court in Boston.
Onyango, a computer programmer, was ordered to leave the country in 2004 after her request for political asylum from the violence in Africa was turned down. Instead, she stayed illegally and was revealed to be living in government-subsidized housing on Flaherty Way in Southie last October by The Times of London during the final stretch of Obama’s run for the White House.
Not too many people have seen this video. It circulated prior to the election but was ultimately removed fro Youtube. It's back. And you should watch it in its entirety.
Obama's older brother Roy is a Luo activist, militant Muslim and a Marxist.
Obama's older brother, Abongo "Roy" Obama, said: "The black man must liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture."
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is proud of his brother, Abongo ‘Roy’ Obama, who converted to Islam from Christianity
Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga and Barack Obama are cousins.
Raila Odinga's oldest son, Fidel, is named after Fidel Castro.
Obama appears to have sided with opposition leader Raila Odinga, head of the same Luo tribe Obama's late Muslim father belonged. Obama interrupted his New Hampshire campaigning to speak with Odinga by phone, not to the newly elected president of Kenya, Mwai Kibaki
Raila Odinga has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has vowed to ban booze, pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women, moves which are also favored by Obama's brother
Obama campaigned for Odinga in August of 2006,just before he filed with the US Federal Elections Commission for his presidential candidacy.
When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Raila and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi.
When Odinga and his Luo activists lost the election to Kibaki, he yelled election fraud, and put his Luo Islamofascists into the streets of Nairobi to “protest” by murdering, raping and maiming Kikuyu people, including the recent burning alive of a church full of Christians.
Raila Odinga has, in his own words, a "close personal friendship" with Barrack Hussein Obama Junior.
Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga also ran as the agent of change candidate in Kenya 2007, as you can see on his campaign web site. As an East German trained socialist, and son of a well-known socialist father, Raila Odinga pursues heavy handed socialism in Africa.
Obama giving his hope and change message for Raila Odinga, a man accused of ethnic cleansing

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