See what's inside a can o' whoopass!

See what's inside a can o' whoopass!
I thought the world was going to love us again? What the hell happened? The recruits gather in scorching desert hideouts in Somalia , use p...
There is far too much of this nonsense going around these days. I actually look forward to the day my kid's school tries this crap. Fo...
Just another way of saying the debate is settled. Mankind will look back at us and laugh.
Twilight fans get punked with fake screening.
This is worse then when New York gangs were settling their differences with break dancing. The city's street gangs are becoming tweet g...
Tareq Salahi and his wife Michaela have been Obama's friends since his days as an Illinois senator . Tareq Salahi's creation of a P...
This is not good and I'm afraid, not the last time this is going to happen.
Just in time for Christmas. On sale on ebay.
Here's a picture of the Obamas at Saturday's Oregon State vs. George Washington basketball game. Not exactly Ronald and Nancy Reaga...
In 1988, Al Gore and NASA's James Hansen, with the help of democratic senator Tim Wirth, set the stage for the global warming scare/frau...
Here's Obama at the State dinner preparing to make a toast...with a napkin stuck to his glass. If he weren't so busy thinking about...
She's actually only 6'8. But that's still pretty damn tall.
It's that time of year.
I've always liked Shaq. What's not to like? I like him even more after hearing this story. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) | Basketball star...
This is just beautiful. How I wish I was there. Run Man Bear Pig. Run. Justin Mangano, from Australia, was beaming after Al Gore signed h...
Perhaps now the mainstream media will report this story. Oh, who we kidding? The Canadian Press is covering the story. Yes. The Canadian Pre...
These people are entrusted with the nation's security. Feel safe do ya?
Fellow Sea Kitten and blogger supreme, Dr. Dave, now known as Snarky Basterd, has moved. You can check out his new digs here. I like the n...
Comparison of New Zealand's government climate office warming graph to the original data shows the graph indicating a warming trend is a...
Take names people. You need to keep track of the media outlets that are complicit in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind. The e...
I know this is just going to result in more Muslim dating ads featured at the top of this blog. generated by the mindless Google Adsense, bu...
Hot dogs, and news about hot dogs, have always been a very important part of this blog. You don't need to know why. CARY, N.C. (AP) — P...
Michelle Obama made news yesterday when it was revealed that she has ordered a pair of French-made boots designed by Robert Clergerie. The...
If you haven't been following along, here's a recap. Follow the links. ...we've been discussing demands made upon Google to rem...
When I find this stuff, I like to share it. There are some awesome video clips here. I don't care what side these men were on. They n...
Here's a curious story about Best Buy. Who's up for a Boycott? Three years ago, electronics retail giant Best Buy was in the middle...
Doh. The narcissist in chief is caught leaving the White House carrying an issue of GQ Magazine...Featuring...Himself. And since when did w...
The denier's theme song.
As if you didn't already have enough to piss you off. Just Read.
Our very planet depends on them. Yet they remain nature's most elusive scientific species, inhabiting some of the world's most delic...
Was it not Michelle Obama who once said Americans needed to give others a piece of their pie? These are quite the pricey boots, no? If...
Dude. Ever heard of a bake sale? Warning! Violence and foul language.
Take this for what it's worth. She may not think these things. But she should. From Barack Obama does not have Angeli...
Incompetent. Inept. Bumbling. This man is no leader.
When you pay people $10 an hour, this is the kinda document destruction you get. Major bombs are about to drop. Of course, you'll only...
Nice to see them back together. From the HBO series, Curb Your Enthusiasm:
I'm sorry, but I find this funny. And long overdue. Cackle about that!
Huh? Didn't this guy ridicule McCain during the campaign for saying the fundamentals of the economy were strong? And McCain made that ...
Congressman Murtha uses his position to refuse to count votes - his opinion cannot be challenged! h/t
A belt. Try one.
'A French-built amphibious assault ship docked in St. Petersburg draws protests from nearby countries." Isn't that kinda the po...
Sorry. It's not America's mainstream media, it's Russia's, but it's a start.
If you've been following along, we've been discussing demands made upon Google to remove a so-called offensive image of Michelle Oba...
Holy crap! That's a lot of golf for a man the world is counting on for hope and change. In only 11 months, Obama has notched 25 rounds...
Serious journalist Katie Couric teaching a young girl the "my ass itches, please scratch it dance". h/t The Gawker
Let me get this straight. The feds knew about the Ft. Hood Terrorist and his Islamic hate speech months in advance of him killing 13 soldie...
Retired climatologist Dr. Tim Ball joins us to discuss the significance of the recently leaked emails and documents from the Climate Researc...
Obviously, some industrious Chinese person thought he was going to own easy street by flooding the American market with plastic hamburgers. ...
What's being taught in our schools today? A bunch of PC claptrap, that's what. Here's a great article from a couple of years ...
Saturday Night Live skit rips Obama on spending. Ratings must be dropping for SNL to do this. Video Recaps | Full Episodes | Webisodes
"The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous ...
I can't wait to see the girls trying to accessorize this doll. Seriously. What are they supposed to do with this? Beat it and subjuga...
I believe a man's coolness is measured by the amount of Sinatra he listens to. Frank nails it.
Oh. They done done it now. Mocking the cheeseheads with Brett Favre jokes. Those bastards! Why do I think Vikings fans are behind this? ...
UCLA Students protesting a 32% tuition hike. Pipe down whiners. You mush skulls. You wanted hope and change. Well you got it. Hope and ...
HowHeDoThat forgot the third generation - who is almost a clone of the Grandpappy. Hank III...
Sorry Santa. But apparently you suck and can't be trusted with children. Thousands of starry-eyed children all over the world are writi...
Let's play two. Liked his old man's version better. But what you gonna do, this one has star power. Time to blow off some steam.
157 MB of data was mysteriously released from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (Hadley CRU) showing how Phil Jones...
Stick this in the face of all those global warming freaks you've encountered in the past. Let them know you hold grudges. And that the...
This from James O'Keefe: Lavelle Stewart, of ACORN in South Central Los Angeles, tells us she thinks we have to hook up with “someone wh...
Look at this douche. Just look at him. Did I mention he's a douche? Obama on his visit to South Korea. I agree Chuck. He is a douche.
Iraq Swears by Bomb Detector U.S. Sees as Useless. Apparently, the Iraqis have found a foolproof method of detecting hidden bombs. The us...
An update on a story we ran two days ago. Here's the background: I've been watching this for a couple of days. Finally decided to ...
Who knew? Obama got his campaign strategy from the imbecile Woody on the TV sitcom Cheers. From 1993, this is the clip from the episode whe...
There will be many more taxation without representation issues like this for ALL Americans in the near future. The crown demands its money....
" Born with a retinal disease that made him legally blind, and would eventually leave him totally sightless, the nine-year-old boy used...
This is exactly what's going to happen if Obamacare passes. The court will be bogarted by ball-hogging brothers and their goofy white p...
Speaking in Shanghai, this is what Mr. Metrosexual told the Chinese: OBAMA: It's very important for the United States not to assume tha...
Simply amazing. They just made the numbers up out of thin air. Just like the jobs. The chief federal oversight official for the stimulus p...
Obama's Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner
And don't get him started on the Macedonians. ONE of Afghanistan's most powerful warlords has urged America not to send more troops...
Drunk girl...Tent pole...What could possibly go wrong?
"The situation is horrendous and getting worse. The official rate is 10.2 percent. But factor in those who have given up and those who ...