Offensive? Or just plain funny? You can decide that. By the way, I don't seem to recall any outrage from the left when it came to the 8 years of shenanigans perpetrated via Google regarding PRESIDENT George W. Bush. To heck with that. Playing the nutroots' own game, do a Google image search of "George Bush". What do you find? Likenesses of President Bush to a chimpanzee? Check. Fake pictures of President Bush flipping the bird? Check. Photoshopped pictures of President Bush eating a kitten? Check that too.It has been 2 days since I began my countdown to how long it would take Google to FIX their image search result for Michelle Obama. Just in case you’ve never done a search I’ll save you the time. This is what you will find…
How disturbing is that? What’s even more disturbing is that one of the world’s most powerful search engines, Google, has not officially responded nor have they taken the image down. A Google employee by the name of Jimmy Deheeger, title unknown, responded to the search result in the Google web search Help Forum…
“I agree that this image is clearly offensive and in very poor taste. Appropriate action will be taken after a speedy review. Thanks for the prompt, detailed reports that brought this issue to my attention!”
How inappropriate is it for the first image to appear in their search engine is a racist caricature of the First Lady of the United States as a chimpanzee?
Where's the outrage MO Watch? Where is it? Yes. Please. Have Google "FIX" that too.
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