Breaking News
Friday, January 29, 2010

Info Post

Obama wants us to build a high-speed bullet-train. For a 75 mile trip! From Orlando Airport to somewhere in the Tampa area (to be figured out later).

"Think about it. (Obama hasn’t.) Rail travel works best connecting centralized cities. Orlando is hardly centralized. And Tampa Bay is likely the least suitable metropolitan area in America for an expensive new rail system: its center is salt water.

...Not surprisingly, Florida voters, who know more about their geography than Obama, turned down the Train to Nowhere by a 64%-36% landslide in 2004 when they were expected to pay for it.

Now we all get to pay for it.

In general, high-speed rail promises to be a bountiful job-generating boondoggle for decades for loyal Obama constituencies such as planners, plaintiff’s attorneys, and environmental activists. Watch as they laboriously rule out each proposed route by discovering some obscure Endangered Species of weed or bug, and then go back to the drawing board, all the while billing at their hourly rates."


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