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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Info Post
Oh no he di-n't. Yes he did. But he can, because he's black. I guess. Hell. I don't know.

Via HotAirPundit:
Question: "I wanted to ask you regarding your inclusion of diverse populations in the Republican party, what is your plan moving forward?

Steele: "My plan is to say y'all come, cause alot of you are already here, I got the fried chicken and potato salad"

(Steele follows with some good points here)

"The goal of this party has been from it's inception about inclusion, how do I know that? Well Damn, It's a pretty inclusive idea to say black people are human beings and should not be slaves, when all the world is saying they are, our party said they're not and they fought for it, and not only did they fight for it, they included in such things like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Well, all I can say about that is, that if you're going to promise fried chicken, you damn sure better not run out of it.

And just for the record, fried chicken and potato salad is precisely why I lean towards the GOP. And I'm not kidding.

Actually I do know how he can get away with saying that. Because the media refused to nail Obama on his comments about bible carrying, gun-totin' foreigner hatin' white folks during the campaign. Just as their failure to truly report Obama's radical past has opened the door for the next radical to come down the pipe, without being questioned on that past. Surely the mainstream media won't seize on this story? Why that would be some sort of double standard faux outrage? They don't do that.


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