Thought it might be interesting to see what small town America thinks about Obama's uppity view of them. Here is some of what I found:
"Too bad Obama doesn't live in small town Pennsylvania. He might have a better handle on what really motivates these people. They are my family, friends and neighbors and we don't cling to religion, guns and/or xenophobia because of our frustrations. We have had our guns and religion since Pennsylvania was first settled. The xenophobia has varied at times throughout US history. To quantify it along with our other less than stellar attributes is denegrating us. Please, leave our guns and religion out of it. It and you have no business in this aspect of our lives."There are literally thousand of examples like the above. Or worse. Obama's eltist chickens...are coming home...to roost.
This is one of those things that tells you more about the man than any of the news coverage. Obama is a snob. When he is around his peer group, credentialed liberals living around liberal strongholds, he lets loose with the typical stuff we see from our elites. his description of PA is like something out of the travelogue of a British colonial officer.
'The inhabitants of this land we call Pennsylvania are queer folk. They are deeply suspicious of foreigners. They cleave to their tribal superstitions and remained armed all the time. This combination of superstition and fear makes them potentially violent at all times.....'"
American Conservative Message Board
"Oh fuck yeah, Bammy, we're so confused we just lash out in bling anger. Lopsided trade agreements and millions of illegals on the dole isn't anything to get our laundry in a bunch over (loads gun and heads for church) Gawd damn..........stupid government deals are making us all bigots (spits ta-backy)"
"Damn...that's messed up.
This is surprising that he would be so foolish to say something like this.
What strikes me the most is to say that "many towns in the Mid-West...cling to antipathy for anyone not like them"
I really take offense to that, that is playing the race card in front of an audience that buys that BS...friggin eats it up...here he is speaking to a crowd of wealthy yuppies in California about those 'red-neck good ole boys...just how are we gonna get through to these tobacco chewing, deer huntin' beer swillin'-toothless, overall wearin bafoons?'"
US Politics Online
"Out of touch, the obamination is the one out of touch. MOST people don't want the government to come in and "fix" things. They want the government to leave them ALONE. People are perfectly capable of fixing things themselves. We built this entire country by fixing things ourselves. It is only when government starts getting involved that it goes bad.
The obamination has the pure marxist view, that religion is bad, Constitutional rights are bad, and the government can fix everything."
NOPC Message Board
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