So a "mob" isn't a mob when you're being paid? Where the media? Is this not astroturfing? This ad is being plastered on
Craigslist across the country. Via
Sweetness and Light:

Now is our chance to make health care work.
America’s health care system is broken. Health care costs are spiraling out of control, throwing families, businesses and government into financial crisis. Families are worried their health coverage won’t be there when they need it. Our country can’t afford to wait for health reform that keeps costs down and protects consumers.
We can’t wait for affordable, dependable health care.
We’re fighting for health care that will protect families’ financial health, lay out a clear path for all Americans to afford health care, and improve patient safety and quality care.
You can work for change this summer.
Join motivated staff around the country working to make change happen. You can make great friends and money along the way. Earn $4000-$6000 this summer.
To apply for a job, visit our website——or call Chris at [213-251-8630.]
UPDATE: We have learned that none other than
George Soros has pledged $5 million to fund support for Obama's health care plan. Will the mainstream media report this?
In another sign of the urgency gripping the pro-health care reform camp, billionaire George Soros has pledged to sink $5 million into the fight, the group getting the money confirmed.
Soros — whose operation carefully guards the privacy of such donations — made the pledge to Health Care For America Now, the leading coalition of pro-reform groups, unions and providers, HCAN chief Richard Kirsch confirmed in an email that was forwarded to me.
Kirsch was asked by a prominent liberal blogger to comment for a post on Soros’ $5 million pledge, which the blogger had heard about. “Thanks for the heads up,” Kirsch emailed in reply. “HCAN is pleased to be supported by people and organizations who support our campaign to win quality, affordable health care for all.”
The blogger, who didn’t end up writing about the donation, passed the email along, and an HCAN spokesperson didn’t dispute the email or the figure when I asked about it.
DOUBLE DOG UPDATE: Is this astroturfing? Where's the media outrage. I say again. Where the hell is the outrage?
The drug industry has authorized its lobbyists to spend as much as $150 million on television commercials supporting President Obama’s health care overhaul, beginning over the August Congressional recess, people briefed on the plans said Saturday.
The unusually large scale of the industry’s commitment to the cause helps explain some of a contentious back-and-forth playing out in recent days between the odd-couple allies over a deal that the White House struck with the industry in June to secure its support. The terms of the deal were not fully disclosed. Both sides had announced that the drug industry would contribute $80 billion over 10 years to the cost of the health care overhaul without spelling out the details.
Many Democratic lawmakers have railed for years against what they consider the industry’s excessive profits and pointedly insisted in recent days that they do not feel bound by the White House’s commitments.
And what do the pharmaceutical companies get? Anyone? Well, they got an agreement from the White House that drug prices could not be forced down any further. Unreal! And this will lower medical costs how? It won't. Unless Obama plans to make cuts elsewhere. Like with the elderly. Wake up America! You been hoodwinked! Bamboozled!!!
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