Unaware he was being recorded, the consul of Haiti in Brazil, George Samuel Antoine, told Brazilian TV network SBT that the earthquake that hit his country may have been caused by "voodoo." "I think it has to do with messing so much with voodoo, I don't know what it is ...." Antoine also said that " the African himself has a curse. Everywhere there are Africans it's f....."
Here's a video report.
He actually said the earthquake was good for the group.
I cross-posted this over at Free Republic. It generated immediate and lively debate. And then the post was pulled. It does bother me that "Free" Repubic can also fall victim to political correctness. And let's be honest, that's the only reason the thread was pulled. I simpy reported the facts. If people can't handle the facts, then I suggest they grow new skin.
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