I'm looking out for you. Because I love you.

I'm looking out for you. Because I love you.
And don't tell me you do. If you did, you wouldn't be here.
Some folks just aren't happy with their 15 minutes of fame. Consider this from Roseanne Bar. A more disgusting display is hard to find...
h/t Weasel Zippers
Hmm . I wonder. If W or W's dad or Ronnie had made a statement in their past decrying world ruination at the hands of black people, I ju...
Wonderful guitar work by Ronnie. True to the original vocal by Keith. Love this tune. Always have.
So I hear the Clunkers for Cash thing is already out of money. Hmmm... let's see... the government gives out overly generous checks for ...
We have lost our damn mind. Why is our government wasting our time on this? The President, I saw, says it's just a moment for the ...
A memorial fund has been established for the family of slain border patrol agent Robert Rosas. Give here. Mr. Rosas was brutally murdered l...
A Chicago organization is offering an "Obama Bike Tour". As you will see, however, the tour isn't exactly based on reality. ...
Obama is preparing to sit down and have a beer with his long-time friend and race-baiter Louis Gates. And they invited that "stupid...
Damn! I was going to reveal this next week. Jesus scooped me again! Watch the video to the end.
It's good to see the man can make a decision that doesn't cost Americans trillions of dollars. Assuming he actually made the decisi...
French troops engaging the Taliban. Hey, at least they're fighting in Obama's war. That's much more of a sacrifice than the av...
To date all Obama has produced to prove his citizenship is a Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii, which it has been shown, can be obtained...
Take all this for what's worth. This issue could be resolved real easily. I find it hard to believe Obama won't just produce his b...
For anyone who has ever held a child, and wasn't a psychopath, these words are absolutely shocking. But consistent with Obama's cos...
This is a nice try I suppose. According to the Politico , a list of 21 things the staff were not allowed to say to the President was circula...
Claire McCaskill has been getting hammered by her conservative constituents of late. Just hammered. Here's the latest episode. A US so...
How do you know things are going bad? Hey chief, you got the keys to the castle. You won. You're President. Now act like it! But we ...
Audacity! Can this guy be a more classless douchebag? ABC News' Kirit Radia and Matt Jaffe report: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a...
This is a serious attempt. You have to love the innovation inspired by the nutroots' assault on America. Here’s the future. Light plyw...
Shades of Goebells, Himmler and Yosemite Sam: The health bills coming out of Congress would put the decisions about your care in the hands o...
"We have vegetable trees... Food is free... Land is free.... They have slaves in the east; we believe in unions." Well... there ya...
The message here. Shove your race-baiting up your ass Obama. "I know him to be a good man...and these charges are bogus".
It's summer time and with that I give you the history of BBQ. Beef! Not that pork bullshit...
Who would know better about a man trying to let his black out? You? Or Farrakhan? Louis Farrakhan on Obama, Michael Jackson and the Jews:...
Shocking hypocrisy audio found. The audio is from 2004. Goose, gander, and the people be damned.
One begins to wonder if Obama has any friends from his past who are not race-baiting whitey haters. Gates wrote this in his Yale applicatio...
Greg Morton, the guy who brought you the Obama Man Song, is at it again, this time taking the President to task for his wardrobe choice.
The liberal blogs are all a twitter. Of course she stole it? She an her husband are the biggest thieves in American history. From ChicLoo...
(Click to enlarge) New video of the race-baiter:
And my grill dogs his, but he knows what he's talking about, except using charcoal intead of wood exclusively. Do Just Fine.
Beck nails it. But to be honest, the second video, words from Obama's own mouth, made this point clear 13 years before he was President...
Yes. Yes!
I figured I wasn't going to touch this, since all of the big blogs, the TV media, the newspapers, the radio jockeys, and every race bait...
I really do hate videos like this. They give responsible gun owners a bad name and fuel the anti-gun lobby and generally make most people sh...
Can this be classified as a sin tax? This strange but true report from Prison Planet: The vampiric and gluttonous feeding frenzy currently ...
Not much I can add to this report from Legal In-sur-rection: The current Democratic House bill on health care includes fines to force people...
I apologize for laughing. Listen to the nonsense that comes out of CNN anchor Campbell Brown's pie hole. Don't do drugs kids. Don...
Is Obama a Marxist Poll
Nice to see Uncle Joe is concentrating on the important issues. Why not Joe? You got the plugs, the botox and the Viagra. Go for it! VPOT...
Wasn't he supposed to be the agent of change? Free of special interests? Of course our readers didn't believe that, but a lot of O...
24 year old James Gonzalez' mom and brother say that after he went through basic training, James signed up for Army Ranger school. The R...
"Please carry a message to Mr. Obama that it will be a cold day in hell before he socializes my county," one man shouted at Kathle...
I knew I'd seen this all play out before. Obama's philsophy is straight from Kurt Vonnegut's short story, "Welcome to the ...
The President of the United States, not some zit-faced 8th grader, feels it necessary to defend his wearing of mom jeans. For those of you ...
This short spot contains some humorous moments from Monday's healthcare forum with Russ Carnahan. It concludes with TheBlackSphere.net--...
A German tourist is served a tampon with his steak at the famous Waldorf Astoria in New York City. Welcome to America, I guess.
Jimmy Carter is leaving the Southern Baptist Church. That's fine, it's his call. It's the reason he's leaving the church ...
Two not so great actors debate health care reform.
Police responding to a call about "two black males" breaking into a home near Harvard University ended up arresting the man who li...
Yes. That's just about what he said. Well, Obama is a descendant of slave owners. Maybe this is his way of justifying that.
Here's your hope and change. On Friday, Democrats moved one step closer to giving free health insurance to the nation’s estimated 12 mi...
Most transparent administration ever!!! The short story on this is Obama overturned all provisions in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ...
So, are these for sticking needles in or something? Marian Fluet, 94, has been sewing for decades. Throughout her life, she has hand-sewn hu...
This is what the boy genius came up with. "Smartest president ever!" RECOVERY.GOV // AWARDED: $2,531,600 FOR 'HAM, WATER A...
The one and only. Course I had an Eephus/palm/double jointed dropball that has never been replicated before or since.
He's right. That is exactly what she assumed. Harry Alford goes there on John Ziegler's radio show today. Alford blasts Barbara Box...
The deliberate destruction of the American economy by the Obama administration continues. To address the serious threat of global warming, A...
I can only hope that the rules of engagement are such that the Marines are allowed to carry out their mission. At least two Afghan villages ...
President Obama changes course on the stimulus. Where are the jobs? House Republicans offer a real plan to create jobs and get our economy m...
No word if Right-Wing Sea Kittens are allowed. On a tip from Moonbattery: PETA sent a letter to California State Parks Director Ruth Colem...
Just a heartbeat away from being President. Just a heartbeat away.
Please drink responsibly. Or at least record it, if not.
Two things I like. Fast women and Johnson City, Tennessee, spell check that you educated ones, I don't think it's right.
Barack Omama Jeans
Every once in a while, one of these white guilt liberals runs into someone who isn't afraid to call their paternalistic racism exactly w...
All paid for by you. From examiner.com. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), by virtue of the ...