Better ram this down our throats at a 4:00AM Congressional meeting. You know like pre-dawn DEA raids. My oh-so transparent government.
Forget the polls. Forget the propaganda campaign. Forget the political correctness. In a town as liberal as Austin, less than 1% are willing to pony up and pay for wind power and the like.
Small Wonder the Global Warming crowd is pushing to make this cap-and-trade tax law to force Americans to do what they do not want to do.
The Austin Statesman rep[orted that only 3,500 of Austin Energy’s 388,000 customers are willing to pay more to get green energy. These facts show a lack of public support for the program. People may say they support green energy, but they do not.
The electric company is run by the city, which explains this goofball program. No one in their right mind would push this, but a majority of councilmen did.
But the newspaper did report: “Now the nationally renowned program is struggling to find buyers — the latest allotment is 99 percent unsold after seven months on the market — and Austin Energy is looking for ways to bring down the rising costs.”
This is the greenest program in the country and it is 99% unsold?
GM did a better job selling Hummers this year than Austin Energy has done selling this politically correct.
And Austin Energy is about to pass on this white elephant on to its customers, raising everyone’s rates to pay for a corporate mistake. Instead of falling, prices for green energy have risen. Incredibly, the greenies say demand for wind energy is driving up the price.
Um, but the article clearly stated that 99% of the green energy offered by the city goes unsold.
This is idealism over economics.
Mike Sloan, president of local renewable energy consulting firm Virtus Energy, said: “Austin Energy’s main business is selling power from coal and gas plants that they own. GreenChoice competes with that; that’s the basic problem.”
People are voting by their wallet.
The only way to get people to put up with the noise, unreliability and dead bats from wind energy is to force it upon them.
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