So I hear the Clunkers for Cash thing is already out of money. Hmmm... let's see... the government gives out overly generous checks for pieces of crap cars, to anyone willing to buy a more fuel efficient one, and is overwhelmed within a week. Does anyone honestly think it can get away with dishing out free health care without the same thing happening, only on a more catastrophic scale? Tardbama Care wants to add 50 million more people to a government run health care system without any plan for adding more doctors to handle them. How exactly does anyone see success with this? That's just one of the problems with it but it's the most basic.
Hate to be using evil republican scare tactics, but it'll be Clunkers for Cash all over again. Except you're gonna die.
"Hey everyone! Free Health Care!!!! Woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
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