In the wake of the death of Oscar G. Mayer, we are offering those at Kraft Foods our condolences and support during these difficult times. We understand that laying someone to rest is often a time when we try to find the silver lining to an otherwise gray cloud, and we can think of no better way to derive something positive from this death than by burying the Wienermobile along with Mr. Mayer.
The Wienermobile traverses the countryside and entices children to try Oscar Mayer meats, which can set them on the road to developing life-threatening illnesses. And while the late Oscar G. Mayer famously gave his meat a first name and a last name too—there are millions of cows who will never be given a name and will end up slaughtered—possibly for Kraft's B-O-L-O-G-N-A.
We have written to the people at Kraft Foods letting them know that while we are saddened by their loss, the burial of the Wienermobile with Mr. Mayer not only would give people a chance to pay their respects but also would spare children from future health complications and save millions of animals' lives.
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